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  1. #1
    G-S Guest

    Losing Strength, maybe size.

    I am in my 8th week of SUST/DECA /DBOL . The dbol stopped at week 5.

    I havent put on any weight, and may have even lost a couple of pounds since my peak, which was probably week 5 or 6. And, it seems my strength has went down slightly.

    Is this normal? I made HUGE increases then all of a sudden I have hit a brick wall.

  2. #2
    jbrand's Avatar
    jbrand is offline Member
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    i am assuming you are eating adequetly. i have had similar problems on heavy dosed cycles, you have to take a look at your training regimen.

    try decreasing volume considerably. it might sound like a crazy thing to do when you're "on" but it's done wonders for me. I have even gone to the extent to take a full week off of training when I was in the midst of a cycle and returning stronger then ever.

  3. #3
    murph's Avatar
    murph is offline Member
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    the more water in your joints and body the stronger you are,.....and the d-bol does the water thing nicely......and thats probably whats happening lost a little of the bloat from the d-bol IMO

  4. #4
    G-S Guest
    Yes, I'm gettin enough protien, and calories. Hell, I think I'm drinking 100 grams of protien and 1000 calories alone...

    It's just frustrating as hell. I sure miss that DBOL .

    By the way, the SUST is at 500 a week, and DECA at 400 a week.

  5. #5
    murph's Avatar
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    dont let it mentally mess with ya,....put the scale away for a bit, and go by the mirror,.......if you like what you see screw it, almost possitive its the water though,...youve been off the d-bol for 3 weeks now,.....keep the workout comming and try to forget about the scale a bit im sure its more mental,.......and d-bol does make you strong as sheet bro,...(while your on)

  6. #6
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    Originally posted by jbrand
    i am assuming you are eating adequetly. i have had similar problems on heavy dosed cycles, you have to take a look at your training regimen.

    try decreasing volume considerably. it might sound like a crazy thing to do when you're "on" but it's done wonders for me. I have even gone to the extent to take a full week off of training when I was in the midst of a cycle and returning stronger then ever.

    these were my 1st 2 thoughts as well. cals may need to be increased slightly, and if training volume is too high, that could spell disaster too. i try to increase my cals a little every week while bulking, and training volume also decreases incrementally on a bulking cycle. works wonders for me too...........

    peace bb79

  7. #7
    G-S Guest
    Here's one for ya. I've got 50 winny tabs (**). Would it benifit me to start them next week and run them up until clomid? (5 more weeks).

  8. #8
    iron4life79's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gettin Stupid
    Here's one for ya. I've got 50 winny tabs (**). Would it benifit me to start them next week and run them up until clomid? (5 more weeks).

    when did you stop the dbol ? im going a month in between my dbol and winny.........dbol weeks 1-4 winny weeks 8-13.
    i dont think it would be a problem if the down time is sufficient.

    peace bb79

  9. #9
    G-S Guest
    I've been off DBOL for 3 weeks, so to be 4. Would the winny benifit me more, or would running another couple weeks of DBOL help anything?

  10. #10
    iron4life79's Avatar
    iron4life79 is offline Retired Moderator
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    ive never tried running the dbol later in the cycle, but have seen some positive posts on it. might be worth some research...........

    peace bb79

  11. #11
    cnyce89's Avatar
    cnyce89 is offline Banned
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    I myself ran dbol last 4 weekks of my last cycle..i loved it...the dbol pumps with the sust pumps and the dbol gains with the sust and deca gains were crazy i loved it....
    But yea you could run the winny next week...4 wks(1 mth) off inbetween is suffitient. And like someone said...dont weigh yourself so much....go by the mirror the less you weigh yourself the more you seem to gain.....mentally

  12. #12
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
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    it's probably the dbol like you said. if your gains are reversing at this point it would be a good idea to stop your cycle and plan a larger one for the next cycle. there's no point in staying on for 2-4 more weeks if you're not going to make gains. this would just make you have to wait longer to cycle again.

  13. #13
    ollie is offline New Member
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    Listen guys I lift with the man and he does not realize how much he has gained. I think that by seeing yourself in the mirrror every day one doesnt realize what has been gained. I think it is mostly mental.

  14. #14
    G-S Guest
    Could be Ollie...could be.

  15. #15
    FLEX_NuTz's Avatar
    FLEX_NuTz is offline Banned
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    Its been my experience that no shake or weight gaining supplement takes the place of a real meal. Keep in mind that if it's too "Smooth" you're body won't strip the full nuetrition out of it. You will utilize FAR more protien from 6 ounces worth of eggs then if you drank 6 ouces of whey protien.

    If you're having trouble gaining wieght... try replacing those 1000 calories of shake with 1000 calories of meal. Its been my experience that this is what it takes to break through that wall. A shake is treate for constant nuetrition through out the day, but if your at that wall.... hardboil a dozen or so eggs in the morning and munch on them throughout the day. You'll smash that wall with no prob. Also, for me personally... complex carbs make the difference. Pasta puts on mad weight where as milk doesn't.

    Also, remember that most these weight gain shakes are mixed with milk, which is great but or body lost the enzyme to properly digest dairy products when we were 2 years old. I started mixing my shakes with Soy milk and *trust me*it made a noticable difference. None the less.... try putting down a couple more meals a day and your body cant help but grow

  16. #16
    G-S Guest
    Trust me bro, I'm eating all I can now. Hell, I sit over a plate of food for 45 mins, forcing it down.

    The extra 1000 was ON TOP of everything I am eating.

    Side Note: Maybe the stregnth thing was in my head, as my legs were as strong today as ever. But, I have LOST some pounds according to the scale. About 6. I'm just gonna stop weighing myself for now.

    Did I say that I miss that DBOL ?

  17. #17
    G-S Guest

    This musta all been in my head, as yesterday I deadlifted more than I ever have, and today I hit more on the incline than I ever have.

    I think I thought about not being on the DBOL so much that it affected my performance.

  18. #18
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    ita all in your head ,it happens with me too,dont let it fuck with ya.

  19. #19
    Sauce626 is offline New Member
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    Im getting on my first Dbol cycle (about 20-25Mg daily)taken alone.
    How much of these gains can i intend on keeping at the conclusion of my cycle?

  20. #20
    G-S Guest
    Originally posted by Sauce626
    Im getting on my first Dbol cycle (about 20-25Mg daily)taken alone.
    How much of these gains can i intend on keeping at the conclusion of my cycle?
    Almost none. A DBOL only cycle is about worthless.

  21. #21
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    When you stop the dbol you shed water and that can make you drop some weight 9even while taking other AS!) and look/feel smaller...

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