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Thread: years of juicing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    years of juicing

    Is there anyone you know or heard of that have juiced for years and are still living at 60-70?? I know that doesnt mean i will or whatever as people react differently but i would still like to know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    also what about past mr olympias etc

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam.S
    also what about past mr olympias etc
    you shouldn't use professionals as a comparison. Plenty of people are still way over 70 years old that are/were constant users

  4. #4
    HBO had a documentary about people who were doing great after using roids for decades. One of them was a 70+ year old guy who seemed to be in better shape than most 50 year olds.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England
    Quote Originally Posted by Power Viking
    HBO had a documentary about people who were doing great after using roids for decades. One of them was a 70+ year old guy who seemed to be in better shape than most 50 year olds.
    he was still on gear as well. But then there was only 1 example of someone that age still healthy, something to maybe think about.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I thought steroids didnt really hit the scenes till like the late 50's early 60's

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    man, i hate to sound cliche, but that's gonna depend on WAY more factors than just aas usage...e.g., how many people live to be that age and healthy, and never drank, smoke and/or poked their arse? know what i mean?

    my biggest fight with my girl is the birth defect thing...i've brought home so many damn articles on guys who have DEFINITELY stuck themselves a time or two and have beautiful, healthy no avail i'm afraid...dumb bitch ...


  8. #8
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    Jan 2004
    Well, I believe Arnold and Franco are in their early sixties.......I know for a fact Dave Draper is well into his sixties, and these guys did some major juice! It's all about how well you take care of your body and your genetics for disease. If heart, liver, or kidney disease ran in my family,especially heart disease, you could bet your ass I wouldn't touch steroids! To each his own. I guess this is where faith comes in!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    Well, I believe Arnold and Franco are in their early sixties.......I know for a fact Dave Draper is well into his sixties, and these guys did some major juice! It's all about how well you take care of your body and your genetics for disease. If heart, liver, or kidney disease ran in my family,especially heart disease, you could bet your ass I wouldn't touch steroids! To each his own. I guess this is where faith comes in!

    And Arnold also used Mari-J and haxix...

    I don´t think it has to do with anything, because there is an old man in Brazil that is 93, and his liver is conserved in alcohol... daily...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    i got a buddy whos like early 40's has been on since his 20's hes alrigth

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by taquipariu
    And Arnold also used Mari-J and haxix...
    What's haxix??

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    my biggest fight with my girl is the birth defect thing...i've brought home so many damn articles on guys who have DEFINITELY stuck themselves a time or two and have beautiful, healthy no avail i'm afraid...dumb bitch ...

    AM seems like everyday now i bring that up and shes like i dont want retarded kids blah blah..or u wont be able to have kids at all

  13. #13
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by taquipariu
    And Arnold also used Mary-J and HAXIX...
    i was also wondering the same thing... sorry, that's o/t. anyway, let's just say for the sake of simplicity, that steroids did infact cut life expectancy by 10 years. taking into account the average male lives to 85 years old, think about it... how many of you would wanna get to the age where you have to wear a ****ing diaper and have someone wait on you and talking to you like your 3? i know for sure i wouldn't. i had a grandfather who was 101 and it was sad to visit him, but truly pathetic. to see a "grown" man in a bed, smelling of piss and excrements, forget living to be 150, 70-75 is long enough on this slowly-dying planet anyway

  14. #14
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    i was also wondering the same thing... sorry, that's o/t. anyway, let's just say for the sake of simplicity, that steroids did infact cut life expectancy by 10 years. taking into account the average male lives to 85 years old, think about it... how many of you would wanna get to the age where you have to wear a ****ing diaper and have someone wait on you and talking to you like your 3? i know for sure i wouldn't. i had a grandfather who was 101 and it was sad to visit him, but truly pathetic. to see a "grown" man in a bed, smelling of piss and excrements, forget living to be 150, 70-75 is long enough on this slowly-dying planet anyway
    how optimistic...damn

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    West Palm Beach

    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    i was also wondering the same thing... sorry, that's o/t. anyway, let's just say for the sake of simplicity, that steroids did infact cut life expectancy by 10 years. taking into account the average male lives to 85 years old, think about it... how many of you would wanna get to the age where you have to wear a ****ing diaper and have someone wait on you and talking to you like your 3? i know for sure i wouldn't. i had a grandfather who was 101 and it was sad to visit him, but truly pathetic. to see a "grown" man in a bed, smelling of piss and excrements, forget living to be 150, 70-75 is long enough on this slowly-dying planet anyway

  16. #16
    Does anybody know the name of that show on HBO?
    Sounds interesting.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    There's a guy at my gym from Poland who use to compete in his thirties..i saw his video footage, he looked like arnold in his hayday! Anyways he's 64 or 65 now and still training hard, he's alot smaller now but he's ripped to shredz, he still uses small amounts of AAS. All in all I think he said he's been usinf off and on for around 35 - 40 years. He looks healthy!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by vein-x
    i was also wondering the same thing... sorry, that's o/t. anyway, let's just say for the sake of simplicity, that steroids did infact cut life expectancy by 10 years. taking into account the average male lives to 85 years old, think about it... how many of you would wanna get to the age where you have to wear a ****ing diaper and have someone wait on you and talking to you like your 3? i know for sure i wouldn't. i had a grandfather who was 101 and it was sad to visit him, but truly pathetic. to see a "grown" man in a bed, smelling of piss and excrements, forget living to be 150, 70-75 is long enough on this slowly-dying planet anyway
    very true! i agree with u 100 percent wen it comes to the dying planet part.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    My roomates dad is one of the number one body builders for 50 and up and hes 63. Hes been juicing his whole life and seems fine

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Jsik98
    What's haxix??
    Sorry... the correct spelling is hashish...

    As I don´t use it anymore I forgot how to write.

    Just kidding.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Dark Side of the Moon
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    man, i hate to sound cliche, but that's gonna depend on WAY more factors than just aas usage...e.g., how many people live to be that age and healthy, and never drank, smoke and/or poked their arse? know what i mean?

    my biggest fight with my girl is the birth defect thing...i've brought home so many damn articles on guys who have DEFINITELY stuck themselves a time or two and have beautiful, healthy no avail i'm afraid...dumb bitch ...

    My woman is the same way about the birth defects.
    And my father never drank, smoked or did ANYTHING, and he died at 59 from leukemia.
    AAS is just one factor.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Jackson, MS
    Ill juice til im 99 then i'll think about quitting

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by muscles03
    very true! i agree with u 100 percent wen it comes to the dying planet part.
    Well one way to look at it is 99.986% of the earth's history it was much warmer then it is now. Actually the abnormality is the last ice age in which we are still warming up from. Ice ages came about because the movement of the continents isolated the north pole with continents blocking warm equatorial water from the north pole, but as the continents keep moving, its allowing warm water flows back into the polar region. (Example North America moves westward about 12 miles every 10,000 years).

    This is nothing man has effected, in fact before the 19th century the earth has already went 90% of the way to becoming a warm planet. We need to quit taking the blame and realize we are just at a noticable point in history where the earth is returning to its "normal" temperatures.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 03-04-2006 at 03:17 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    A very good example in my opinion would be Dave Draper - I met him a few years ago and I was shocked by his immaculate appearance.

    These pictures where taken 23 years apart - he is now around 62!
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  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I think Pinacle has been on for a very long time

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam.S
    Is there anyone you know or heard of that have juiced for years and are still living at 60-70?? I know that doesnt mean i will or whatever as people react differently but i would still like to know.

    WWE's CEO Vince McMahon he is jacked & he is 65yrs old.

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  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Well one way to look at it is 99.986% of the earth's history it was much warmer then it is now. Actually the abnormality is the last ice age in which we are still warming up from. Ice ages came about because the movement of the continents isolated the north pole with continents blocking warm equatorial water from the north pole, but as the continents keep moving, its allowing warm water flows back into the polar region. (Example North America moves westward about 12 miles every 10,000 years).

    This is nothing man has effected, in fact before the 19th century the earth has already went 90% of the way to becoming a warm planet. We need to quit taking the blame and realize we are just at a noticable point in history where the earth is returning to its "normal" temperatures.
    Well said mate. We have middle aged women in this country crying themselves hoarse about "Global Warming".

    A bigger issue is over-population, I think. You go to some parts of Asia and its unreal how polluted and crowded it is. North Americans luckily don't see much of that usually.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BigChris
    A very good example in my opinion would be Dave Draper - I met him a few years ago and I was shocked by his immaculate appearance.

    These pictures where taken 23 years apart - he is now around 62!
    I guess the key is to listen to your body and know your limitations. Its the guys who do ridiculous amounts of gear with no regard to safety (or their own vulnerabilities) that are more likely to get into trouble.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Well one way to look at it is 99.986% of the earth's history it was much warmer then it is now. Actually the abnormality is the last ice age in which we are still warming up from. Ice ages came about because the movement of the continents isolated the north pole with continents blocking warm equatorial water from the north pole, but as the continents keep moving, its allowing warm water flows back into the polar region. (Example North America moves westward about 12 miles every 10,000 years).

    This is nothing man has effected, in fact before the 19th century the earth has already went 90% of the way to becoming a warm planet. We need to quit taking the blame and realize we are just at a noticable point in history where the earth is returning to its "normal" temperatures.
    Dude, you really don't know what you are talking about do you? This is where i get mad, ignorance perpetuates ignorance. Stop! First, ignore the pre-cambrian eons, as there was no life affecting the climate and the internal heat of the earth evaporated all liquid h20. So, start by examing the earths climate over the last 543 million years or so. Yes, there have been epochs were the temperature was far higher than it is now (everyone knows about the dinosours living in on a warm planet) but there have been epochs much colder. And you are wrong about the causes of ice ages too! The orientation of the continents has been posited as a factor in snowball earth theories (google that, i don' want to teach a class here) but ice ages are more closely linked to milankovich cycles (google that also) and the earths temperature is more closely correlated to the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere than any other factor. This concentration fluctuates, and maybe that is what you are talking about, but a general trend over that millenia, is for this concentration to decrease. There are many factors at work here, including forest fires, volcanoes, primary productivity, and the efficiancy of the ocean as a sink for CO2. Humans have by-passed these natural fluxes in CO2 cycling and re-introduced C02 that has been sequestered for millions of years into the faster-cycling system. It's been shown that CO2 is an efficient absorber of long-wave radiation. SO yes, there are natural cycles, but it's an accepted fact in the scientific community that humans have disrupted this cycling. the only real debate now is to what degree it is. SO please, stop burying your head in the ground and holding beliefs that make you feel better about yourself. look up once and a while for an unbiased view of the world.

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