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Thread: Help Please!!!

  1. #1

    Help Please!!!

    Hi guys, Okay here's the deal... I'm 40 y/o 6'5'' 265# BF Approx. 20% 40" waist. My Doc recently put me on HRT Test Cyp. 200mg/ml (6 Mths. ago) I'm suppoosed to be taking 1ml every 2 weeks but I jumped that up to 2ml. Unfortunately I will run out twice as fast but I will see if he will refill my scrip. this way....If not I was thinking about OASIS for my supply. I would also like to bump up to 400-500 mg per week for a while but since I am on HRT what would I do after 10 weeks or so of increased dose?

    Even on the low level dose that I am on I feel that I am seeing some physical benefits (more muscle mass) besides feeling a h*ll of alot better. I am also trying to get back into shape...starting Cardio(mainly swimming ..I was an All-American swimmer in high school) and lifting. My questions are how should I approach all this... I don't expect overnight results but would like to look good again by spring 2006? HHEELLPP!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Interesting, I would like to know how this would work also.The sides from testing on long term test use hasn't been determined yet from what I have read in MD mag but they were worried that a man's bones would become brittle after prolonged use of test. In the controlled tests they were only admininstered low doses over a period of like 6 months...not 400/500 per week.I think it was like 150mg/week but the subjects did notice an increase in lean muscle mass and energy as well as self confidence and a loss of body fat without even exercising.

  3. #3
    Yeah, I will always be on hrt from now on ..just want to take advantage of the situaution at the beginning if possible...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    don't get me wrong, i LOVE AR, but over at, they have an HRT forum with a reknown doctor who answers questions, without a consultation fee ...i'd run this by him, see what he says...i have no experience with Oasis so i can't comment...hope it helps


  5. #5

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