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Thread: EQ & Tribulus?

  1. #1

    EQ & Tribulus?

    I read in Hookers profile that Eq can suppress your hormones. So I know most if not all of you would run Test with an Eq cycle. However, my question is if one didn't want to run Test with it would Tribulus work to keep test levels at bay? Also is it certain that for "everyone" that runs Eq, would shut ones test down?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i would not run trib in place of test....why don't you want to run test?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by tonytone
    i would not run trib in place of test....why don't you want to run test?
    Well cost reasons mainly. I want to do a Eq/Var cycle. I was thinking of doing Prop with it but then it gets way to pricey. Also the only test I would run would be Prop and EOD jabs will become quite annoying.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)
    Prop needs ed injections, got to keep levels stable and ed is the best way to do that. IMO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MickyBlues
    Well cost reasons mainly. I want to do a Eq/Var cycle. I was thinking of doing Prop with it but then it gets way to pricey. Also the only test I would run would be Prop and EOD jabs will become quite annoying.
    drop the Var and you will have plenty of $ for test. Trib will NOT replace test at all.

  6. #6
    How about just 250mg's of Test Enth. a week, just to have test in my system while running Eq? Would this be safe measure?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by MickyBlues
    I read in Hookers profile that Eq can suppress your hormones. So I know most if not all of you would run Test with an Eq cycle. However, my question is if one didn't want to run Test with it would Tribulus work to keep test levels at bay? Also is it certain that for "everyone" that runs Eq, would shut ones test down?
    There's a key word in your statement....CAN...
    With respect to "Hooker" and his profiles.They are his opinions and fact thrown in as well.I know quite a few ppl who have ran EQ without Test,and didn't have any issues.They also recovered really well through PCT.Bare in mind,EQ is a very mild anabolic.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by MickyBlues
    How about just 250mg's of Test Enth. a week, just to have test in my system while running Eq? Would this be safe measure?
    That would be a good idea for many reasons.I'd give that a whirl.


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    That would be a good idea for many reasons.I'd give that a whirl.

    Thanks for the response. Would I have to run 10mg of Nolva ed with that as well?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by MickyBlues
    Thanks for the response. Would I have to run 10mg of Nolva ed with that as well?
    I would.Even at that low a dose of Test,it will still aromatize a little.L-Dex would be a good idea to through in there as well.


  11. #11
    Hey Pinnacle, you said you know people who didn't have a problem with getting shutdown using Eq, if that's the case do you still have to do PCT? Sorry for the questions just a little confuzed. You see, I wanted to avoid taking any type of amortizing compound such as test.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by MickyBlues
    Hey Pinnacle, you said you know people who didn't have a problem with getting shutdown using Eq, if that's the case do you still have to do PCT? Sorry for the questions just a little confuzed. You see, I wanted to avoid taking any type of amortizing compound such as test.

    You still have to do PCT.You get shut down,but it's not harsh like Deca/Fina ect.The guys I know that ran it solo had no sexual problems at all.They were boning their babes left and right.Keep some Prop around as an emergency item.You can shoot that and get up and running quick.Enanthate will take awhile to get things in order.


  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    You still have to do PCT.You get shut down,but it's not harsh like Deca/Fina ect.The guys I know that ran it solo had no sexual problems at all.They were boning their babes left and right.Keep some Prop around as an emergency item.You can shoot that and get up and running quick.Enanthate will take awhile to get things in order.

    Ok will take your advice, thanx a bunch!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    bro, dont rely on tribulus to keep test levels up. The science on tribulus is rather lacking and unsupportive too. You can run an EQ only cycle, but its usually run with test prop/e/cyp

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Im having trouble understanding the cost situation...A bottle of Prop is probably cheaper than the tribulus. Im not sure how much trob goes for but Prop is no more than $20 a pop...Get 3 of them bad boys for around $60 and your good to go...Shit it costs me more than that to fill the gas in my X5.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MickyBlues
    Ok will take your advice, thanx a bunch!
    Im not saying that one person is right or wrong....but i think it would be in your best interest to talk to more people/read more before making these decisions....after all you're the one thats gonna have to live with the concequences

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