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  1. #1
    angry_clown's Avatar
    angry_clown is offline New Member
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    Anyone here bridge with low doses of test?

    As of recently i began to bridge with low doses of test in the 200/mg per week range. With pleaseing results. Anyone else use this method with good results?

  2. #2
    Kaz's Avatar
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    Personally I would call 200mg pw a cycle, allbeit a failry small one, and thats why I would think you would see some good results!

  3. #3
    Kaz's Avatar
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    Blast!! Me and my click happy mouse button!

    I WAS about to say that I am currently experimenting with a mini-cycle myself at the moment, and I will post details as soon as I can put them all together.

    I would say that I am NOT bridging though! I plan to take some time off before my next main cycle since I am a firm beleiver in time off - time on. This of course becomes tricky when you do these mini cyles, since the tendency is to call them "Bridges" and bash on into your next cycle when you finish the small one.

    I know that they are being done to help preserve gains, but working on that presumption you will need to be on a mini cycle from now till you die so that you can keep all of your gains! I much prefer the idea of 3 steps forward and 1 step back while you take some time off for your body to rest from the AS.

  4. #4
    angry_clown's Avatar
    angry_clown is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by Kaz
    Personally I would call 200mg pw a cycle, allbeit a failry small one, and thats why I would think you would see some good results!

    hmm why would you consider 200mg pw a small cycle? Thats the kinda of doses doctors administer for T deficency.

  5. #5
    Kaz's Avatar
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    Maybe they do but lots of newbies on their first cycle will get great results from 200mg pw.

    I am an advocate of moderate doses in any case - The only thing I can see that you gain from jumping the doses up to 600-700mg is running the risk of more substantial side effects!

    If I use a Moderate dose and make fair gains and keep almost all of them I am happy. Using a freaky dose, making huge gains and then losing most of them is a bit of a pain!

    I think the dose should go up when you find that you are not making ANY gains from the dose you are using. I still gain only slightly more from a cycle than I used to gain naturally when I first started to lift. In this way my body naturally keeps those gains for me because they are not un-natural !

    I have used high doses (When I was younger) and made great gains, much above my usual. I lost most of them despite clomid etc. My theory then is that your body will only keep so much of those gains as could be considered a natural amount. Much above that gets lost.

    Once you get a bit older, and cant make gains so easily naturally, using AS is simply giving a helping hand. In this way I am using AS to help me along. Taking HUGE amounts and losing most of what you gain seems to me like the AS is using me!

    Unless you are going to compete there is no race to put on muscle - This is a lifestyle and as such means that I will be doing it until they pull my cold stiff body from under the bar. There is plenty of time to grow and taking huge amounts of anything does not fit into my master plan! I will up my doses when I feel I need to do so.

  6. #6
    angry_clown's Avatar
    angry_clown is offline New Member
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    So we both agree that bridgeing with small doses of test is pretty much mandatory for competition?

  7. #7
    angry_clown's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Kaz's Avatar
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    Since I dont compete I cant really comment on that from experience only from what logic dictates.

    Since the guys who DO compete are in such good shape all the time I would GUESS that they are bridging as you suggest, however that IS only a guess. When it comes to the pros from the MrO etc I would be surprised to find that they ever come off, let alone consider something as lightweight as a bridge!

    I wont go into the possible health problems which could arise from doing a bridge. Obviously a bridge is only a mini cycle so effectively you dont come off at all. If you are going to compete and you are planning to do this I would suggest you get detailed blood work done and also perhaps check with some of the guys on this board who may be more aware of the potential problems which may arise.

    The first person to come to mind who competes and knows his stuff is Bigkev - Perhaps if you shoot him a PM he will be able to help you out with advice etc. (Remember that hes a moderator so it may take him a while to answer you. Those guys get lots of PMs and they DO have a life off AR!)

  9. #9
    angry_clown's Avatar
    angry_clown is offline New Member
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    Ok, thank you

  10. #10
    NitWit is offline New Member
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    I'm bridging right now tih test enanthate and prop...been doing it for three weeks now and great results also kept mostly everything from my last cycle.

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