Will clomid restore your balls back to normal if they shrank just a little bit?
I have 2 weeks before I take clomid so should I get some HCG and take it before clomid?
Will clomid restore your balls back to normal if they shrank just a little bit?
I have 2 weeks before I take clomid so should I get some HCG and take it before clomid?
Take HCG for ten days, the clomid for 15 days. The HCG will restore your balls.
1000 iu's HCG ed diluted in 1cc of bacterialstat water. Mix 10cc's of the water with the 10,000 iu's of HCG powder. 1cc per day for ten days. Use an insulin pin and inject it subcutaneous next to your belly button or shoot it into a muscle. You can run the clomid right along with it or start the clomid after. Your call.
50mg ed of clomid is plenty. You don't need to front load with 300mg and 100mg.
Keep exercising and eating during your recovery to control your mood changes and heart rate.
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