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  1. #1
    biff is offline Associate Member
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    T3 or Clen for fat loss

    I was wondering what most people with experience feel is better for fat loss T3 of clen and why you feel so. I know T3 is known for burning muscle as well as fat but i have the gear to combat that.

  2. #2
    Hamburgerman is offline New Member
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    They actually work great together. Its the only way I go for a contest. I do the recommended doseages from AR-Reseach and they bring me about 5-7% bf reductions in about two to three weeks - thats huge!
    I am 5"8 1/2 and 242 with approx 8-10% average bf, i look like contest most of the year with doing both for mid cycle and then at pct time to keep fat off. Either by itself is ok but not really great.
    Just an opinion

  3. #3
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamburgerman

    They actually work great together. Its the only way I go for a contest. I do the recommended doseages from AR-Reseach and they bring me about 5-7% bf reductions in about two to three weeks - thats huge!
    I am 5"8 1/2 and 242 with approx 8-10% average bf, i look like contest most of the year with doing both for mid cycle and then at pct time to keep fat off. Either by itself is ok but not really great.
    Just an opinion
    nice stats

  4. #4
    rajs is offline New Member
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    I would say start out with clen ,and see what you make of it.Then maybe use the 2 at a later date.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by biff
    I was wondering what most people with experience feel is better for fat loss T3 of clen and why you feel so. I know T3 is known for burning muscle as well as fat but i have the gear to combat that.
    T3 in higher doses can can cause muscle catabolism. If your worried about that I would opt for the clen . T3 in smaller doses will burn fat and increase protein synthesis without causing your body to draw from your muscle as energy. Heres a very interesting thread........

  6. #6
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    t3 makes clen more effective. I am going to use Ketotifen with clen in PCT for thier anti-catabolic properties.

  7. #7
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    if I had to choose then my choise would be t-3 hands down anytime. Hell even if I didnt have to choose I would choose t-3 alone.
    hey Johan...
    Could you explain why you would use T3 alone? im curious....

  8. #8
    Drummerboy's Avatar
    Drummerboy is offline Anabolic Member
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    LOL ok, i get it... its a personal preference... ever think about running a lower dose, one that doesnt show such harsh sides? just wondering... i only run enough to keep my body temperature 1 degree higher than normal...

  9. #9
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Yupp I have tried that and while I avoid shakes and cramps that way I do still get heart palpations I guess I am super sensitive to that effect from all kinds of stimulants. or well there is another asthma medicine. Cant recall the name right now, that works good for me without any sides but hard to get ahold of.
    i think you're talking about Albuterol, which to my recollection, doesn't work very well in the fat burning dept. i'm with you though, you need to be very in touch with the condition of your heart before you consider it, and IMO, there are many, more effective ways to burn fat...strict dieting and cardio for example...

    here's some good info on t3, that i've posted before:

    "Thyroid hormones, on the other hand, offer significant benefits when used cautiously and "properly". They should not be used haphazardly as a fat loss agent however, instead they are valuable in correcting thyroid dysfunction brought on by androgen use. When done properly, T3 is used as "replacement therapy" and serves only to normalize decreased T3 levels. Research has shown that high dose androgens pushes T3 levels down (14,15). This is significant because the real value of optimal thyroid levels is not for fat loss, but instead for optimum anabolic activity. T3 has diverse facilitative anabolic effects including, increasing GH secretion(16,17), up-regulating GH receptors (18), up-regulating IGF-1 receptors (19,20), and other less well defined anabolic effects (21,22). Don’t get the wrong idea however, for T3 to facilitate anabolism, it must stay in the high normal range. A little too high or a little too low significantly changes the biological effects of thyroid hormones. Bringing T3 levels too high will undoubtedly backfire and lead to muscle, strength losses, and rebound fat gain.
    You will need regular ../../affiliates/hormone-levels.htm to determine the optimal dose of T3 (e.g. Cytomel ) to bring you up to the optimum range. If you are unwilling, or do not have access to, regular blood work I would not recommend using T3. The old "take your morning temperature" recommendation is simply too inaccurate. Most people use way too much T3 and cause more problems than anything else. However, if you are willing to take care of yourself while optimizing muscle gains, have your free T3 checked before using any T3, yet during your full dose androgen regimen. Try to bring your free T3 levels up to ~7.0-7.4 pmol/L. Your doctor may use conventional units on your blood work which means it will read in "pg/dL". If that’s the case bring your levels up to about 450-480 pg/dL. Doing this will allow optimal caloric intake while minimizing fat gain, as well as optimize the anabolic actions of the androgens you are using."


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