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  1. #1
    gmfoun is offline New Member
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    3rd cycle first w/ test

    I just started a 12 week cycle what do you think:

    wks 1-10 Deca 300/wk
    wks 1-12 test prop 100mg/eod
    wks 4-12 dbol 15mgs/day
    wks 4-12 20mg tamox/day

    I'm also alternating clen and ephederine every two weeks throughout the cycle.....2 wks clen then 2 wks ephederine.....and repeat.

    pct: clo/nov

    I'm 6'3 215 about 12%. I just started this week and the prop shots are killing me. Ive done tren before and experienced a little sorness but I injected prop in my quad yesterday and I couldn't stand the pain during squats today. And no i'm not a feels like my quad has been pulled or something. I"m rotating between shoulders and quads but its not helping so far. (shoulder is still sore from Mon). Can I expect my muscles to get used to the shots and and how long do you think it would take.

    I've also heard rumors you should run test at double the amount of that true or can I expect good gains doing slightly more test per week?

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    "I've also heard rumors you should run test at double the amount of deca that true"You should at least have your Test 100 mgs above your deca dose.

    Are you really going to run Dbol for that length of time at 15 mgs?first off,15 mgs won't do anything for you at all. You are better off running it for 4-5 wks at 30 mgs ED.


  3. #3
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    10 weeks of deca is too short for me. I take at least 7 weeks minimum to even start to get anything from deca and 8 to 9 weeks to start to get the full effect.

    I have to ask why would you choose a 12 week prop cycle when you obviously have dbol on hand?

    I would have jumpstarted the cycle with the dbol and used a long ester such as enanthate or cypoinate thus avoiding the EOD injects and the prop pain.

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    why not just run some test e with the deca then you'll only have to shoot twice a week and its less painful than prop. Use the dbol for the first 4-5 weeks 30mg/day to kick off your cycle and 400-500mg/wk of test e

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