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Thread: Starting Tren

  1. #1
    fanatic's Avatar
    fanatic is offline Member
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    Starting Tren

    A guy at my gym told me that injecting tren twice a day for the first 3 days of the cycle would cause the tren to kick in faster- is that true? I've never heard that before. ie. 30mg in the morning and 30mg in the evening for 3 days, and then just 60mg/day(1 shot) everyday after.

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by fanatic
    A guy at my gym told me that injecting tren twice a day for the first 3 days of the cycle would cause the tren to kick in faster- is that true? I've never heard that before. ie. 30mg in the morning and 30mg in the evening for 3 days, and then just 60mg/day(1 shot) everyday after.
    I never heard of that.But frontloading tren is the only compound that worked in this manner for me.I doubled the dose ED for 5 days and off I went.I tried frontloading Test,didn't work for me or anyone else i know.This is the only place I've ever heard of it working.


  3. #3
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    i've heard people mention this method when using test suspension, however, i personally don't agree that you'd see any difference, it's splitting hairs really...i am a subscriber to frontloading, but this is not that, and i don't think frontloading with tren is a good idea, until you assess sides and personal tolerance...


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