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  1. #1
    falker's Avatar
    falker is offline Associate Member
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    Clen and Diphenhydramine

    Ummm, I have been on clen for two weeks now and went to take my benadryl and just for observations sake I read the label to see the active ingredient.
    I take a sleeping pill every night and have come to find out that the pill I take contains 100mg,s of Diphenhydramine Hydrocloride, the exact ingredient in benadryl.
    My temp has fallen and the clen sides are slowing...
    What to do? You guys think I'm gonna need keto instead of Diphenhydramine?
    Is there a chance I effed myself up in terms of using clen because of the extended use of the sleep aid?

    Right now I'm using 180mcg's/day split into 3 doses of the clen.

    Hooker, if you read this can you please send your imput?

  2. #2
    falker's Avatar
    falker is offline Associate Member
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    Bump, anyone?

  3. #3
    mranak is offline Associate Member
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    Does that sleep aid have acenominophen in it as well? If so, then I suggest you just start using the generic Benadryl at night instead.

    Taking that sleep aid at night didn't screw you up. It would have helped if anything.

    But if you body temp has returned to normal, then you might need to take two weeks off from the clen in order to let the beta-2 receptors come back up.

    Have you also been taking the Benadryl for the past few weeks or did you not plan to start that until now? The idea is to take it the entire time to prevent the beta-2 receptors from down-regulating in the first place.

  4. #4
    mitch911 is offline Member
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    dont u just take it on the 3rd week and keep taking the clen the whole time

  5. #5
    falker's Avatar
    falker is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mranak
    Does that sleep aid have acenominophen in it as well? If so, then I suggest you just start using the generic Benadryl at night instead.

    Taking that sleep aid at night didn't screw you up. It would have helped if anything.

    But if you body temp has returned to normal, then you might need to take two weeks off from the clen in order to let the beta-2 receptors come back up.

    Have you also been taking the Benadryl for the past few weeks or did you not plan to start that until now? The idea is to take it the entire time to prevent the beta-2 receptors from down-regulating in the first place.
    Nothing in the sleep aid but Diphenhydramine Hydrocloride. I scrapped the shitty ear temp taker and got an old fasioned oral thermometer and my temp was up a degree three hours after my morning dose so I think I might be ok.
    Hookers clen profile states to take the benadryl on weeks 3, 6, 9...

  6. #6
    falker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mitch911
    dont u just take it on the 3rd week and keep taking the clen the whole time
    Yes, third week, 6th week and so on.

    mranak, you might be right, the sleep aid might have helped me but I wanted to be sure.

  7. #7
    mranak is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mitch911
    dont u just take it on the 3rd week and keep taking the clen the whole time
    Guess I don't totally agree with that.

  8. #8
    falker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mranak
    Guess I don't totally agree with that.
    Have you tried taking the benadryl throught?

  9. #9
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    [QUOTE=mranak]...But if you body temp has returned to normal, then you might need to take two weeks off from the clen in order to let the beta-2 receptors come back up...

    This idea is lunacy...

    Diphenhydramine HCI is not in itself a sleep aid, it's an antihistamine, that has the side effect of drowsiness.

    The administration of Benadryl every third week was given as a minimum to upgrade/refresh the beta-2. Thus if your already taking the active ingredient (Dip HCI) at 100mgs in another product, there's really no problem because your beta-2 is being constantly refreshed. Consequently, you shouldn't be experience any contraindications. The real test would come in the Clen sides, are you experiencing them? If you'd also like to monitor temp (rarely done), that would be further evidence of benefit.


  10. #10
    falker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mranak
    ...But if you body temp has returned to normal, then you might need to take two weeks off from the clen in order to let the beta-2 receptors come back up...

    This idea is lunacy...

    Diphenhydramine HCI is not in itself a sleep aid, it's an antihistamine, that has the side effect of drowsiness.

    The administration of Benadryl every third week was given as a minimum to upgrade/refresh the beta-2. Thus if your already taking the active ingredient (Dip HCI) at 100mgs in another product, there's really no problem because your beta-2 is being constantly refreshed. Consequently, you shouldn't be experience any contraindications. The real test would come in the Clen sides, are you experiencing them? If you'd also like to monitor temp (rarely done), that would be further evidence of benefit.

    Thanks magic, I think my temp will be ok, a degree three hours after taking my morning dose is pretty good. shakes are there as well.

  11. #11
    mranak is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Quote Originally Posted by mranak
    ...But if you body temp has returned to normal, then you might need to take two weeks off from the clen in order to let the beta-2 receptors come back up...
    This idea is lunacy...

    Diphenhydramine HCI is not in itself a sleep aid, it's an antihistamine, that has the side effect of drowsiness.

    The administration of Benadryl every third week was given as a minimum to upgrade/refresh the beta-2. Thus if your already taking the active ingredient (Dip HCI) at 100mgs in another product, there's really no problem because your beta-2 is being constantly refreshed. Consequently, you shouldn't be experience any contraindications. The real test would come in the Clen sides, are you experiencing them? If you'd also like to monitor temp (rarely done), that would be further evidence of benefit.

    First you disagree with me, and then in your explaination you seem to agree with me.

    My point was that if he has been taking Benadryl all along but the clen isn't work anymore, then he should take a break from the clen. What's wrong with that?

    But he then said his body temp is still up and he thinks the clen is still working, so it may be a moot point.

  12. #12
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mranak
    First you disagree with me, and then in your explaination you seem to agree with me.

    My point was that if he has been taking Benadryl all along but the clen isn't work anymore, then he should take a break from the clen. What's wrong with that?

    But he then said his body temp is still up and he thinks the clen is still working, so it may be a moot point.
    No offense Mranak!

    And you're right there's really nothing be said in this thread because the Clen is working. This is why I said there's no need to take a break, what would he be breaking from? Working Clen? Again no offense bru.


  13. #13
    mranak is offline Associate Member
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    None taken. Just wanted to clarify myself. Thanks 'bro!

  14. #14
    falker's Avatar
    falker is offline Associate Member
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    OK, temp is still up a bit but sides are almost unnoticable
    So I BUMP er up.

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