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Thread: D-Bol Dosage - Opinions Needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Question D-Bol Dosage - Opinions Needed

    I am still thinking about what dose of dbol to use to kick start my cylce for the first 4 weeks. Right now im thinking about 30mg per day. This IS inline with what HOOKER suggests in the following quote. Have you guys seen results with 30mg ED? what dosage do you guys recommend?

    From the steriod profile forums: HOOKER writes...
    In order to kick start a cycle, usually what you do is incorporate a fast acting oral like dianabol (or anadrol) and combine it with long acting injectables (such as Deca or Eq with some Testosterone). The reasoning here is that the oral (Dbol in this case) will give almost immediate results, while the injectable takes time to produce results. The end result is that you start seeing results within the first week of your cycle and continue up until the end with the injectables. This entails taking anywhere from 25-50mgs of dbol (although as little as 20mgs or as much as 100mgs have been reported) for 3-6 weeks at the start of a cycle (average time for a “Kick Start” is 4 weeks, though), and then ceasing their use as the injectables start to produce results.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    did 30mgs ed for 4 weeks and it did wonders... got tired of the sides though... was glad when 4 weeks were over

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    30mg is what I used my 1st cycle.. with the results I was looking for

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    did 30mgs ed for 4 weeks and it did wonders... got tired of the sides though... was glad when 4 weeks were over
    What sides did you experience the most?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    insane lower back pumps no matter what muscle i was working... by the start of the 3rd week i was just feeling run down and like shit... the only time i had any energy was when i went to the gym... bloated up pretty good also, and acne... but the strength increase was insane and almost right away... by 3rd day i was feeling it... wld do it again. or i might try abombs next time...

  6. #6
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    insane lower back pumps no matter what muscle i was working... by the start of the 3rd week i was just feeling run down and like shit... the only time i had any energy was when i went to the gym... bloated up pretty good also, and acne... but the strength increase was insane and almost right away... by 3rd day i was feeling it... wld do it again. or i might try abombs next time...
    Sorry for playing 20 questions, but where did you experience the acne and how did you control it? Also, did the acne subside after you dropped the dbol? I've never had problems with acne while on Test etc.

    Im trying to gear up for the next 4 weeks(no pun intended).

    Thanks for the help!

  7. #7
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    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    i was also running 500mg test e and 400mg deca so that might have contributed to the acne, but i got it on my back big time and on my arms right under my delts... there was no way to really control it.. i just dealt with it... 2 showers a day and tanning help...
    my cousin wldn't shoot so he ran 4 weeks at 30mg a day even though i told him not to... when he came off and started pct he got bacne like i have never seen... disgusting.. so i figure the dbol is a big contributer to the acne..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    i was also running 500mg test e and 400mg deca so that might have contributed to the acne, but i got it on my back big time and on my arms right under my delts... there was no way to really control it.. i just dealt with it... 2 showers a day and tanning help...
    my cousin wldn't shoot so he ran 4 weeks at 30mg a day even though i told him not to... when he came off and started pct he got bacne like i have never seen... disgusting.. so i figure the dbol is a big contributer to the acne..

    Im also going to be running test and eq with this cycle. Im a concerned about the acne but for the results im after this winter I may just have to deal with it for 4 weeks. I just hope to be able to get it under control after the 4 weeks is up. But i will still be running the Test/eq/GH, so i dont know if I will be able to. If acne shows up really bad, i guess i will suck it up and focus on GET'N BIG!!

    Thanks Again!!



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by slippin
    Im also going to be running test and eq with this cycle. Im a concerned about the acne but for the results im after this winter I may just have to deal with it for 4 weeks. I just hope to be able to get it under control after the 4 weeks is up. But i will still be running the Test/eq/GH, so i dont know if I will be able to. If acne shows up really bad, i guess i will suck it up and focus on GET'N BIG!!

    Thanks Again!!



    yeah back acne at the gym is like wearing a muscle t that says " Hi I am on steroids!" when i get the looks at the gym i just grin and know they wish they were juicin... good luck with the cycle bro...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    i used 20mg/ed for 5 weeks, gained about 15lbs, with the only side effect being extra oily skin on my face, but no major acne, however i did use proviron, which worked wonders since i had almost zero water retention and even looked harder, the bottom line with any aas is genetics, if you are prone to anything the aas will intensify the side effects, so i recommend 20mg on days that you don't train and 30 mg on your training days, along with an anti estrogen or anti aromatase (if your not the ectomorph type) and some milk thistle to protect the liver.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    30mg/ED minimum for a first time using Dbol IMHO.

  12. #12
    hey guys... never used 'roids before. Just being recommended to take dianabol (naposim) for 8 weeks (20mg a day) along with hard workouts (no big interest in getting huge, simply want more mass). Do you foresee strong side effects with this product only? Please advise.... thanks

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    i used d-bol for about 8 weeks at the same doseage 20mg a day and got some quick results the first time(also when i was doing this i had very little knowledge of gear) but if its ur first time i would say that is ok but i would reccommend reading some more about and and think about a pct but thats my opinion hope this helps

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by eu-29
    hey guys... never used 'roids before. Just being recommended to take dianabol (naposim) for 8 weeks (20mg a day) along with hard workouts (no big interest in getting huge, simply want more mass). Do you foresee strong side effects with this product only? Please advise.... thanks
    start your own thread mate,dbol only is not a great idea!!

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