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  1. #1
    YoRgO17 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005

    blood test questions... help

    Well, im gonna go take a blood test to see how im doing.. i was just wondering... i dont know much about the info given from a blood test but is it obvious that the doctor will know im on a steroid cycle? if not what can i expect him to say and what can i answer to his questions that might be realted.. i sorta dont want him knowing cuase theres a good chance my parents will be there.. so is it possible i can get away from this test without being detected?

  2. #2
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    your parents are going to be there? how old are you?

    if your going to see how you are doing on a cycle you have to ask your blood to be run for certain things test levels ect.
    they are probably going to run for cholesterol, maybe liver numbers and kidney numbers..

  3. #3
    redmeat's Avatar
    redmeat is offline Senior Member
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    Well here's my experience. I went to a doc for a blood test a couple weeks ago and my ALT and AST liver reading were pretty high. The doctor looked at them and told me she thought I had a liver tumor or liver hepatitis. What she didn't know was that the enzyme secreted by the liver when the liver is damaged that caused ALT and AST to rise is also the same enzyme secreted by your muscles when you lift weights. She didn't know that in order to assess liver damage in a bodybuilder you need to check the GGT and CK.

    So basically, she scared the shit out of me for no reason.

    Just bare in mind that most doctors' knowledge of AAS is limited to a chapter or two in med school, and is based on very old very outdated and mostly wrong information.

    It's my personal policy NOT to tell doctors about my AAS use for that reason.

  4. #4
    redmeat's Avatar
    redmeat is offline Senior Member
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    BTW, she also told me I was at risk for "sudden death" because of my liver readings. That was before I "schooled" her, lol. Anyway, I'm still alive.

  5. #5
    YoRgO17 is offline Junior Member
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    im 20, can we not bring up the age thing please?

    i really dont look foward to the doctor saying im dieing cause he dont know shit

    and from previous experience he isnt the brightest...

  6. #6
    Boudreaux's Avatar
    Boudreaux is offline Junior Member
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    red meat, how high were your values. I'm curious because mine were, "elevated" in the eyes of my Doc. My values were 130 and 150 . He did say though that bodybuilders have higher numbers for some reason.. He didn't go into specifics like you just said, but i'm glad I just read what you wrote about weightlifters values being elevated naturally..

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