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  1. #1
    Romeoguy62 is offline Associate Member
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    Earliest age to cycle

    I am currently 20 years old and have been lifting off and on for 5 years. I took a break after high school and I've only been serious again for about 8 months. As a senior, some football buddies and I got some Deca and Winny and I did 2 injects and decided I didn't wanna mess with that sh!t yet. They all continued and obviously had a horrible diet since didn't see impressive gains. I am not planning on starting a cycle anytime soon, but I tell myself if I am still serious by the time I'm 22-23 I will do a weak cycle, maybe Deca or EQ, but I want to steer clear of test products early on. What would be a reasonable age to cycle Deca, EQ, or Winny? Additionally, what would be a reasonable age to cycle Clen ? Thanks!

  2. #2
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
    thejuiceisloose is offline Senior Member
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    A resonable age to start IMHO would be 23, however, you need to be training IMO for @ least 3 yrs and have a proper diet in check BEFORE using any AS. Diet/training is the foundation and key to getting the results while off AND on AS. That said, doing a deca /winny cycle, BAD IDEA! Where is the test in that cycle? No test, no cycle IMO. Be glad that you stopped, your buddies on the other hand will be swinging their limp di*** soon b/c lack of test in their cycle. And starting @ a young age is not good. Just read what happened to this 19 yr old when he got his blood test results. I was like when I read it. That there is proof why not to do AS when youre young.

  3. #3
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Test is actually one of the safer AASs since it is naturally occurring in the body. I would stay away from deca and winstrol (at least without a test base in it). EQ is good stuff, but best results will be in a stack with test.

  4. #4
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    Diet and cardio before clen ... Also wait until you are about 24-25 as you know your body has fully developed. I would not wait on testosterone . That is the natural hormone in your body, at least take a replacement dose when you do start. I would research this board for awhile and you have years before deciding on a cycle.

  5. #5
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    For my 2cents, 23-25 depending on how quickly you matured. You never want to screw with gear with a not fully developed endocrine system, it can be permanently damaged and result in a lifetime of misery and medication. Also, these guys are absolutely right about having some years in the gym before gear, if you don't build a solid foundation what you do build will fall apart. Take some time think develop a routine(diet and workout) and study, then you will know when you are ready.

  6. #6
    Romeoguy62 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks a lot for the info guys, I know I'm new but there's only one way to get the knowledge! I appreciate your feedback!

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