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Thread: test e and test sus?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    test e and test sus?

    my friend took some test suspension and quit his cycle after 2 weeks or so. we were thinking of adding it to our 500mg a week that we are taking in test e. we were wondering if it would be ok to add say, 100mg of test sus to our 250mg test e shot twice a week? I didn't find too much info from the search so sorry if this has been asked before. let me know. thanx.


  2. #2
    Test susp. would be good to kickstart a cycle, but why add it to an existing test cycle? Just up your Test dosage, or add Tren.

    Also, suspension must be shot twice a day, so taking it twice a week would be pointless and just add more sides than you would like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    You dont have to call it "test Sus" you can just say sus, or sust, we know what you're talking about.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    haha, appreciate the replies. so taking maybe a 50mg of sust ed for a couple weeks wouldn't be anygood if we don't take it twice a day? sure does have a short lifespan

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Hydroponics
    You dont have to call it "test Sus" you can just say sus, or sust, we know what you're talking about.
    What are you even talking about? When there are new members who have only a few posts. It is better to elaborate on what you are saying, most do not know what the abbreviations mean. Therefore, by posting it the first time for them, it relieves you from wasting time answering that exact questions "what does so and so mean". Your post in this thread was pointless, and I don't think it helped him one bit.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by onlyatest
    haha, appreciate the replies. so taking maybe a 50mg of sust ed for a couple weeks wouldn't be anygood if we don't take it twice a day? sure does have a short lifespan
    Do a search on suspension in the anabolic profile forum. Learn something about what you are thinking about taking, before you put it in your bloodstream. Seriously.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    wow. appreciate the back up. i try to post as much details and possible so i can get a accurate answer. thanx for the response.

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