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Thread: CLEN and The Liver?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Question CLEN and The Liver?

    Ive been reading up on clen as it will be my first time using the stuff. Been able to get alot of info on sides, but nothing about its effects (if any) on your liver (some of you bros have a background in chem and bio so i figured one you fellas would know). In the past always relied on ECA, but noticed that prolonged use has an ill effect on the liver.

  2. #2
    Where did you find research that the ECA stack is hard on your liver? I've never read anything about the ECA stack or clen being hard on your liver.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    actually it was very hard to find some for myself. I didnt actually start looking until my doctor noticed high levels of a certain enzyme in my checkup. I had to search a bit but i found documentation that long term use of ephedra creates a 'hepatitis like' result in a urine test (due to the elevated enzyme). After you discontinue, levels go back to normal (depending on how long it was used and how long it takes to clear out). Ill post again with the actual doc when i find it.

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