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Thread: Injection Info

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002

    Exclamation Injection Info

    I am going to be starting my cycle within 2-3 weeks. I am currently just gathering everything I need so I have it all on-hand. I have done all my research on my cycle, and this is how it looks:

    Week 1-10: T200 ( 400mg/week )
    Week 1-10: TTokkyo EQ ( 400mg/week )
    Week 8-13: Winstrol ( 50mg/ED )
    Week 13: Start of clomid immediately post Winstrol ( 3 weeks after last test/EQ injection too )

    What guage/size pinz do I need for these injections?

    What guage/size for ass? Shoulder? Quad?

    Different size pinz for each anabolic? Also, what is the total # of pinz I would need to order? Thanks guys!

    P.S. Will run either .25 mg arimidex ED throughout cycle or Liquidex.
    Also will have Nolvadex on hand just to be safe.

  2. #2
    A 23 guage will do fine for the EQ / Test either in the glute or quad. You could run a 25 g but it might take a bit longer to get the fluid in and out.

    For the winny - what kind do you have? Are you drinking it ?? TT winny clogs up a 23 g for the first few times so you have to keep pushing in and drawing back into the syringe.

    All in all, I'd get an order of 23 g.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    This is also my FIRST cycle. I forgot to mention that.

    Still recommend 23g for everything? The Winstrol will most likely be Denkall Winstrol ( 50mg/ML ).

    What do you think for pinz?

    I want the least injection pain possible!!!!

    The winny I will be spot injecting, most likely in Delts ( Shoulders ).

    The EQ/Test will be shot in the SAME pin ( 200mg/EACH ) 2x/week most likely in quads of ass.

    Where do you recommend injection sites?

  4. #4
    First cycle or not - are you scared of needles ?? If you're that scared, see if has a combo of 23 g (to draw into the syringe) and then 25 g (to inject into your body).

    Why don't you just drink the winny ?

    I'd recommend shooting in your ass or quad since it's your first cycle - there will be less pain there.

  5. #5
    25 g are nice makes you go slower IMO... altho 23g isn't bad at all... if you are gonna spot inject i'd go with 25 g 5/8 in for the delt.

  6. #6
    like keymastur said, a 23g is a good size for most products,plus it is a small enough guage to reduce the "sticking" pain of the needle....
    at 16% bodyfat, i would go with a 1 1/2 inch needle.. when you do delts,just dont inject it all the way...
    go ahead and get a 100 or so syringes because you will use them sooner or later....and you dont want to have to order syringes everytime you do a cycle....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ok, awesome..........

    I will get the pinz from

    Where can I get all info on Injection Techniques/Sterilization?

    I need to know about Alcohol swabs to clean area/pinz/vials with, and how it should be done, etc. I need full procedure.

    Can someone please help? Starting cycle soon!

    Want to make sure I do everything 1000% right!

  8. #8 shows you all you need to know..... also has alcohol swabs - you just wipe the top of the bottle where the rubber is before you stick the needle into it. and also wipe your skin where you're going to stick yourself.

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