thanks to all who checked out this cycle and posted---heres what i decided
sus---1 a week for 8 weeks
omnadren--1 for first two weeks then 2 per week weeks 3-7 then 1 per weeks 8, 9 and 10
total of test weeks 3-8 750mg
deca 400mg per week 10 weeks
d-bol--25mg day for first 3 weeks(only worried about nipples)with nolvs on hand and clomid every other to third day to prevent gyno
d-bol at last week of injections and 2 weeks past into clomid
omnadren sus deca d-bol clomid
1) 1(250) 1(250) 400mg 25mg
2) 1 1 400 25mg
3) 2(500) 1 400 25mg
4) 2 1 400 -
5) 2 1 400 -
6) 2 1 400 -
7) 2 1 400 -
8) 1 1 400 -
9) 1 - 400 -
10) 1 - 200 20mg
11) - - - 20mg
12) - - - 20mg x
13) - - - - x
14) - - - - x
dont mean to taper as i know it has no effect or does not help burt that is the amount of aas i want to use so doing it this way
what do you guys think