hey everyone,
it has been a long time since i have been off- by that i mean a good six weeks. Cycle was test e, 500 mg ew, 400 mg deca ew, 9 weeks. And i got good gains and only have lost a relatively small amount- yeah' it's dissapointing anyway but i am still far ahead than when i went on cycle. I was close grip bench pressing 255x7 on cycle and i can still do 255, but only 4 reps now.
Anyway, my sex drive was crazy on cycle- i sometimes had sex twice, three times a day on weekends lol. About 2 weeks after my last shot i did not have that constant horny urge to f**k. But i have still been having- good sex- once per day. Just wondering why my drive did not "crash" afterwards. i have read around here a lot of guys on deca and even test crashed afterwards in terms of sex drive.
could it be because of my (what i believe) was a good PCT plan? During the last 4 weeks of my cycle, i ran 5000 iu hcg (spread over i think 5 shots). After my last test injection, i took 1000iu of hcg EOD for 10 days. And then i began my clomid, i did 100mg for the first 2 weeks, and then 50mg clomid and 20mg nolva for the next week, and for the last week i ran 20mg nolva only for pct.
The point is i do not want to have sex drive (or workout) crash after any of my future cycles. I am wondering how i can do this, and whether my pct plan was part of the reason i did not crash- instead of being "super horny" all the time i am more "normal" in terms of sex drive- basically what i was before i cycled. And that was my first cycle