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Thread: Why do you guys think my sex drive has not diminished after cycle?

  1. #1

    Why do you guys think my sex drive has not diminished after cycle?

    hey everyone,
    it has been a long time since i have been off- by that i mean a good six weeks. Cycle was test e, 500 mg ew, 400 mg deca ew, 9 weeks. And i got good gains and only have lost a relatively small amount- yeah' it's dissapointing anyway but i am still far ahead than when i went on cycle. I was close grip bench pressing 255x7 on cycle and i can still do 255, but only 4 reps now.

    Anyway, my sex drive was crazy on cycle- i sometimes had sex twice, three times a day on weekends lol. About 2 weeks after my last shot i did not have that constant horny urge to f**k. But i have still been having- good sex- once per day. Just wondering why my drive did not "crash" afterwards. i have read around here a lot of guys on deca and even test crashed afterwards in terms of sex drive.

    could it be because of my (what i believe) was a good PCT plan? During the last 4 weeks of my cycle, i ran 5000 iu hcg (spread over i think 5 shots). After my last test injection, i took 1000iu of hcg EOD for 10 days. And then i began my clomid, i did 100mg for the first 2 weeks, and then 50mg clomid and 20mg nolva for the next week, and for the last week i ran 20mg nolva only for pct.

    The point is i do not want to have sex drive (or workout) crash after any of my future cycles. I am wondering how i can do this, and whether my pct plan was part of the reason i did not crash- instead of being "super horny" all the time i am more "normal" in terms of sex drive- basically what i was before i cycled. And that was my first cycle
    Last edited by ward065; 09-23-2005 at 08:35 PM.

  2. #2
    bump, anyone?

  3. #3
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    Most of it is your PCT protocol......... also other factors like your over all health......... not everyone is effected the same way on the same compounds..... count yourself lucky (I'm the same way) that you didn't lose your sex drive and didn't have a hard recovery

  4. #4
    thanks. maybe it's because i am relatively young too......i'm 23. I have just read horror stories on here, i don't think most of these people ran hcg though.......that probably is critical.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    thanks. maybe it's because i am relatively young too......i'm 23. I have just read horror stories on here, i don't think most of these people ran hcg though.......that probably is critical.
    I'm in my mid thirties......... I also never use HCG.......... but you're right age will help you out, HCG will too........

  6. #6
    Its because you are the lord of all sexual goodness and and as such you cannot loose your abilty to pop chub

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Young, dumb and full of cum.... God, I miss 22....

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Young, dumb and full of cum.... God, I miss 22....

    your quote brought a tear to my eye... i also miss 22... as well as 32..

  9. #9
    lmao guys!

    i just hope my Winter cycle, (tren at 300mg, test at 600mg) won't give me problems

  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
    Young, dumb and full of cum.... God, I miss 22....
    I agree!!!!!

  11. #11
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    May 2004
    2 factors : your pct was good and you may have a natural ability to bounce back quickly... Ive known a couple friends who didnt crash hard from tren, no pct, lucky bastards.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerboy
    2 factors : your pct was good and you may have a natural ability to bounce back quickly... Ive known a couple friends who didnt crash hard from tren, no pct, lucky bastards.
    i'd much rather be safe than sorry and spend the few extra $ on PCT would not be worth risking it for me (No pct)

  13. #13
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    Thumbs up

    sounds like a good PCT protocal, hey stick with it if it worked. Good Job bro, dont see to many cases like this.


  14. #14
    think about it this way, if HCG helps your nuts become larger after being suppressed, then you take clomid to help with the test production, it would seem this strategy would work well for many.

  15. #15
    I think you must be taking fake gear cause the real roids would shut down your natural test and you balls would shrink causing a less desirable mood. That or your cycle hasnt kicked in yet.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ProteinMan!
    I think you must be taking fake gear cause the real roids would shut down your natural test and you balls would shrink causing a less desirable mood. That or your cycle hasnt kicked in yet.
    haha, no it was not fake gear. 100% absolutely positive......i gained quite a bit of size and strength, 10+ pounds of LBM, arms grew almost an inch.....u tell me if that is fake gear. Also, check out my before and after pics in the member's pics, it was not fake, you will see

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    your quote brought a tear to my eye... i also miss 22... as well as 32..
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    I agree!!!!!

    Hehehe...I hear ya...I've been on 500ius HCG eod with prop ending in about 2 weeks, lr3 IGF-1 in 3 weeks.. I've been feeling 22 lately at least... As Ali G would say "Iiiiiiiiit's Niiiiiiiice".......
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 09-24-2005 at 07:22 PM.

  18. #18
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    In the Gym, if i could
    my wife wishes i would leave her alone..

    but i always say.. "come on hunny, you'll want it once we get started.. "

    then she loves it..

    oh well..
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