Ya sillies!
The government is devoting all this money and manpower to stopping anabolic steroids in order to protect the children and safeguard the sanctity of sport.
All cash sent through the mail must have papertrail right back to you in order to prevent terrorism.
We're also in Iraq to spread democracy and extend the rights of women.
Oh, by-the-by, the biggest threat to the future of America isn't the dismantling of Social Security, the "Reform" of health care, the ballooning national debt, illiteracy, poverty, or Corporate ownership of the government, but rather the imminent threat of the end of the world which will be caused by allowing gay couples to have the same marriage rights as straights.
Keep voting for him, fellas.

The guys who hold the actual bill of sale for the U.S. Constitution, well, they hate all of us the same. Between the tax laws, the drug laws, and the sex laws, there's probably not a single citizen of the United States who couldn't be threatened with jail time and a loss of liberty. It's a pretty good place to have everyone in, if you want to exercise absolute power.
(Does this belong in the war, politics, and mayhem forum?)