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Thread: 5 Week DBOL...then 8 Weeks Prop+Deca or all at once

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    5 Week DBOL...then 8 Weeks Prop+Deca or all at once

    i was wondering, it terms of gains, which would be more benificial...
    running 4 weeks of dbol on its own then in the fith week of dbol @ 35mg per day switch to Prop for 8 weeks with deca (frontloading the deca so it kicks in quick)

    Or running it all together...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    w 1- 12 prop
    w 1-4 dbol
    w 1-11 deca

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    only want to run the prop for 8 weeks, want to run the dbol for 5 too at 35mg a day, then add some winny at the end to help me keep more of my gains...

    going to do 1200mg for the first week, 800mg for second then drop down to 400mg a week for the remainder of the 8 weeks...

    But would i make more gains running the dbol on its own then switching to the prop ? Coz how i see it is that my body will recate well and blow up on dbol, then when i stop the dbol my test and deca will kick in and ill continue to i right ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    first off fut loading will not make something kick in quicker. next deca need to be run for 10 week. if you only run it for 8 you will see very little gains from it. as for the d-bol you should run it at the same time as the prop just for the first 4 weeks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    if you wont to run a 8 week cycle run this.

    1-4 d-bol 34mg day
    1-8 prop
    1-8 npp

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