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Thread: Non Trainer. Prop Test + Var Cycle.

  1. #1

    Non Trainer. Prop Test + Var Cycle.


    I am not a weight trainer/lifter nor do I do any exercise. I am 68kg, 5'8" and need to tone up a bit. This is a bit of an experiment for me.

    I am thinking of starting training over next two months and want to maximise on this by taking some steroids with it. I was thinking something along the following lines:

    1-6 week ANAVAR 50mg ED
    1-6 week TEST PROP 50mg ED

    Followed by PCT after 3 days For further 3 weeks:
    Day1 300mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day 2-11 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day12-21 50mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex

    My questions are for all you long timers...

    Is it wise to jump straight into a cycle if you are just starting lifting and have never taken steriods before? I want to maximise.... Would probably order online and then start training whilst I wait for it to arrive.

    Am I picking the right kind of stuff for a first time user? I have no idea about any of this stuff but a friend recommended anavar to lose fat. I just added the prop so I get some muscle thrown in for free.

    Will I be able to maintain my gain indefinitely without a further cycle? I want to keep what I get without having to take more stuff.

    My goals are just to shape up a little, I am not in bad shape and have a naturally muscular frame and can put weight on quickly. I just want to lose about 12 pounds fat, and replace it with lean mass and a six pack. I will then just maintain this. I know if I did just 2 months of cardio I would get the six pack (have done this before) but I would be looking a bit too trim. I don't want to be big.

    Would probably supplement this with some sort of protein and creatine. Should I eat more food? I don't want to gain fat just lose it and bulk a little.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    everybody thinks there's always a quick solution

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    yeah, what do u have to gain here if u r gonna stop working out anyway??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    ups.. dunno where I got that one from but still. I think ur goals can easily be obtained naturally and IMO doing a cycle would be pointless.. P.S. Ur design does suck though..

  5. #5
    hey.... I know there is a quick solution, and that is going on a 1000 calorie a day diet and doing 1 hour of cardio each day for two months.

    I don't want to gain a great amount of muscle, just want to add a bit to my frame. I used to body buid over ten years ago and because of that I can gain muscle very quickly when I do train. Muscle memory? Dunno if that is the reason.

    It isn't the muscle gain I am so interested in, it is the weight loss. With that in mind would I be better off skipping the prop and then going for a T3 clen combo?

  6. #6
    I am not going to stop working out... you misread me...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Oh boy............................................... .................


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ShootyTooty
    hey.... I know there is a quick solution, and that is going on a 1000 calorie a day diet and doing 1 hour of cardio each day for two months.
    That is too few calories, anyway.

    Diet+Cardio. A cycle is just totally inappropriate.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Is it wise to jump straight into a cycle if you are just starting lifting and have never taken steriods before? I want to maximise.... Would probably order online and then start training whilst I wait for it to arrive.

    Am I picking the right kind of stuff for a first time user? I have no idea about any of this stuff but a friend recommended anavar to lose fat. I just added the prop so I get some muscle thrown in for free.

    Will I be able to maintain my gain indefinitely without a further cycle? I want to keep what I get without having to take more stuff.
    1)No it is not wise to go straight into a cycle. Most guys here spent years in the gym before their cycle. You are liable to hurt yourself.

    2)Yeah the gear is ok for a first time user but you would be quite foolish to use it.

    3)probably not because you have no conception of proper workout or diet. No disrespect man but you are not ready for this. That's the truth, you may do with it as you like. But I urge you not to do this.

  10. #10
    Thanks symatech. Would you recommend a low dose of anavar on its own?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ShootyTooty
    Thanks symatech. Would you recommend a low dose of anavar on its own?

    He recommends that you don't do a cycle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    ups.. dunno where I got that one from but still. I think ur goals can easily be obtained naturally and IMO doing a cycle would be pointless.. P.S. Ur design does suck though..

    LMFAO! funny shiat hippo.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!

    New thread

    I would like to sit around eating potato chips and get huge, do you think I could do this with a staight Nubain stack? Dont't flame me, I have done a lot of research, and this seems like a good idea.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ShootyTooty
    Am I picking the right kind of stuff for a first time user? I have no idea about any of this stuff but a friend recommended anavar to lose fat. I just added the prop so I get some muscle thrown in for free.
    Just think of how many clichés there are about free stuff . . . .

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I bet you get muscular and ripped and stay that way for the rest of your life.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ShootyTooty

    I am not a weight trainer/lifter nor do I do any exercise. I am 68kg, 5'8" and need to tone up a bit. This is a bit of an experiment for me.

    I am thinking of starting training over next two months and want to maximise on this by taking some steroids with it. I was thinking something along the following lines:

    1-6 week ANAVAR 50mg ED
    1-6 week TEST PROP 50mg ED

    Followed by PCT after 3 days For further 3 weeks:
    Day1 300mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day 2-11 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
    Day12-21 50mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex

    My questions are for all you long timers...

    Is it wise to jump straight into a cycle if you are just starting lifting and have never taken steriods before? I want to maximise.... Would probably order online and then start training whilst I wait for it to arrive.

    Am I picking the right kind of stuff for a first time user? I have no idea about any of this stuff but a friend recommended anavar to lose fat. I just added the prop so I get some muscle thrown in for free.

    Will I be able to maintain my gain indefinitely without a further cycle? I want to keep what I get without having to take more stuff.

    My goals are just to shape up a little, I am not in bad shape and have a naturally muscular frame and can put weight on quickly. I just want to lose about 12 pounds fat, and replace it with lean mass and a six pack. I will then just maintain this. I know if I did just 2 months of cardio I would get the six pack (have done this before) but I would be looking a bit too trim. I don't want to be big.

    Would probably supplement this with some sort of protein and creatine. Should I eat more food? I don't want to gain fat just lose it and bulk a little.

    first of all theres no such thing as toning up, if so how do you measure it, you cant,

    why do you want to juice, your not going to see any real gains. the first month or so of gains is all neuromuscular changes, which im sure youd think was the roids.

    your three questions scare me, specially the second one, you have no idea of what this stuff is, so your going to ingest and inject stuff in you that you know nothing about, thats smart.

    i have headache

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