I am not a weight trainer/lifter nor do I do any exercise. I am 68kg, 5'8" and need to tone up a bit. This is a bit of an experiment for me.
I am thinking of starting training over next two months and want to maximise on this by taking some steroids with it. I was thinking something along the following lines:
1-6 week ANAVAR 50mg ED
1-6 week TEST PROP 50mg ED
Followed by PCT after 3 days For further 3 weeks:
Day1 300mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
Day 2-11 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
Day12-21 50mg Clomid + 20mg Nolvadex
My questions are for all you long timers...
Is it wise to jump straight into a cycle if you are just starting lifting and have never taken steriods before? I want to maximise.... Would probably order online and then start training whilst I wait for it to arrive.
Am I picking the right kind of stuff for a first time user? I have no idea about any of this stuff but a friend recommended anavar to lose fat. I just added the prop so I get some muscle thrown in for free.
Will I be able to maintain my gain indefinitely without a further cycle? I want to keep what I get without having to take more stuff.
My goals are just to shape up a little, I am not in bad shape and have a naturally muscular frame and can put weight on quickly. I just want to lose about 12 pounds fat, and replace it with lean mass and a six pack. I will then just maintain this. I know if I did just 2 months of cardio I would get the six pack (have done this before) but I would be looking a bit too trim. I don't want to be big.
Would probably supplement this with some sort of protein and creatine. Should I eat more food? I don't want to gain fat just lose it and bulk a little.