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  1. #1
    BHarper is offline Junior Member
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    Can't sleep on Cycle, need help or advise

    I'm on a cycle of Test Undeconate (injectible form of andriol ). 1g/week, 1.5g the first week. I'm also running IGF 80mcg ED split between 3 shots. Since I started the test I have had a horrible time falling asleep. It takes 3-4 hours sometimes. I used to have a little problem, but I'd take a muscle relaxer and an anti-anxiety pill and be out.

    Now I take the following in hope that I'll fall asleep:

    (2) 2mg Lorazapam Anti-anxiety (less potent than xanax)
    (2) 4mg Zanaflex (pretty strong MR, this would knock most people out itself)
    (1-2) 10mg Ambien!

    After 30 mins I still am not tired. I lay in bed reading boring shit trying to get tired. I've even tried popping one more of each after an hour and still nothing!

    Can the test be causing this? This is horrible, I try to go to sleep around 11:30 so I can wake up at 7-7:30 but don't end up falling asleep till 3-4. It's draining me.

    I can say though, that I am not really tired during the day which surprises me. I just have a hard time getting up. Once I'm up though, I'm pretty good. I figure that is the test thoug.

  2. #2
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    why dont you just try that natural supplement, melotonin.

    if you take too much stuff to fall asleep your going to get either a reverse effect, or its going to knock you out for half the day.

  3. #3
    BHarper is offline Junior Member
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    I tried that before and it didn't do anything for me. That is why I was given Lorazepam in the first place.

  4. #4
    CapnZ's Avatar
    CapnZ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by robkesl
    why dont you just try that natural supplement, melotonin.

    if you take too much stuff to fall asleep your going to get either a reverse effect, or its going to knock you out for half the day.
    Agreed - If possible - you got to try to get off the chemicals and try some melatonin or possibly kava kava or valirium (sp) most of these can be found at a health food or natural food store carrying herbs. Too much of the chemical compounds can have exactly the opposite effect you want and it sounds like you're loading up pretty good. Good luck man - hope it works out.

  5. #5
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    knock one or two off the wrist that norm helps me!!but melatonin turns my brain off like nothin else,but like robkesl stated too much and it will not do fukc all!

  6. #6
    Presidential Muscle's Avatar
    Presidential Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    i had that problem before of not falling asleep and i was told it was because i need to reduce my Intake of Sustanon . Which i was taking Sustanon and Deca . I went to the doctor and got my blood taken at that time and i had high blood pressure. So if you know what to do about high blood pressure then it is probably the fix. IMO

  7. #7
    BHarper is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Presidential Muscle
    i had that problem before of not falling asleep and i was told it was because i need to reduce my Intake of Sustanon. Which i was taking Sustanon and Deca. I went to the doctor and got my blood taken at that time and i had high blood pressure. So if you know what to do about high blood pressure then it is probably the fix. IMO
    i think my BP has been a little high recently. What is the best for that? asprin, Ibuprofen? What dosages?

    i'll try this and melatonin again.

  8. #8
    Presidential Muscle's Avatar
    Presidential Muscle is offline Junior Member
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    I don't know i just smoked some weed once and past out then after that i didn't smoke anymore i think i took a week off or something. Can't remember must be the weed that i can't remember at that time. Seriously though i don't know how to get rid of High BP.

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