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Thread: Revising the cycle - D-Bol OK at the end?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Revising the cycle - D-Bol OK at the end?

    Hi bros!
    I was originally going to to this cycle:

    test 500mg week 1-8
    fina 1/2cc ed week 4-8
    dbol 30mg ed week 1-3

    But my supplier can't get me the D-Bol for another 3-4 weeks...
    I can't wait with the cycle because I'm going to Europe in 10 weeks.

    My question: is it OK to revise the cycle to this:

    test 500mg week 1-8
    fina 1/2cc ed week 1-6
    dbol 30mg ed week 6-8

    or should I skip d-bol this time?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    I dont see the point in doing the DBol then. Mostly it is used as a kick start for the first 3-4 weeks since it works very quickly and the injectables take that long to start working.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by Kaz
    I dont see the point in doing the DBol then. Mostly it is used as a kick start for the first 3-4 weeks since it works very quickly and the injectables take that long to start working.
    But wouldn't adding it produce better gains?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    d bol at end is good when using something like deca or sus that lasts weeks in system to come down from. with regular t200 it is not needed at end cause half life of t200 is a week tops. you will start getting d-bol kick then be stopping so unless you are looking for end cycle bloat even though 2 weeks on dbol is not long you might want to save it and just go to the clomid

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    You can add d-bol into your cycle anywhere, but i would use it the first 4 weeks so u can see fast gains and actually see what results d-bol alone is giving you...thats pretty much the point of using d-bol, its really not gonna give u more weight gain when it comes down to just helps get the gains running faster..

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