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Thread: newbiee!! looking for some help

  1. #1

    newbiee!! looking for some help

    Hey guys, i just signed up to this forum looking to get in shape. First off i'd like to officially say wassup to you guys and thank you for all your information.

    I am 5'10" 190 pounds at 20 years old. I have been working out for the past 3 years, on and off. I used to be skinny untill i took NO2 and didn't work out. That really messed me up. I am pretty skinny all around except for my stomach area. I wanna get started on these supplements, but just don't know what to do. I was hoping you guys can help me out. I dont' want anything to do with needles, just easier stuff. I have read up about clen and thats mostly what i have been interested in ryte now. My plan is to get toned up now, and then move on to get bigger. I just recently moved down to San diego to attend school (wassup all you sd people). I have more time on my hands and hoping to go to the gym 4-6 days a week. I'm hoping you guys can help me out with what supplements/steriods to use and any other advise you guys have.

    Thank you guys for your time and i appreciate your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Stay away from the juice till your atleast 21 and can deal with needles. As far as supplements go you should jump on the other forum. I personally take
    Animal Pack (every vitamin and mineral)
    Tribulus (help regulate test levels)
    Glutamine (cell recovery)
    Protein (you know)
    Glucosamine (joints)
    Flaxseed oil (essential fatty acids)
    ECA (ephedra, caffine, aspirin for fat loss)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    moving to austin
    proper diet and lifting will accomplish your goals for you right now. good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005

    What he said.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Stop the on and off work outs and get serious, gear isn't magic like they'd have you believe in the media. Beside at your age all the media hype about the dangers of gear, isn't hype, it's true for someone your age. You have 5 years to be serious about training, after those 5 years, your hormonal system should be fully developed and you can start using gear then. You have lots of time to train and get your diet together.


  6. #6
    Thanks guys.... Is there any supplement that can help me loose my fat off faster? Like i said before i was thinking about taking clen to help me tone up, but if thats too harsh, is there anything over the counter that can do something similar?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    moving to austin
    Quote Originally Posted by SavageM3
    Thanks guys.... Is there any supplement that can help me loose my fat off faster? Like i said before i was thinking about taking clen to help me tone up, but if thats too harsh, is there anything over the counter that can do something similar?
    diet check first!!! but you can also LOOK into ephedrine, considering it is legal again.

    most people look into the "quick fix". steroids are not the quick fix. the quickest fix is diet. whether bulking or cutting. your diet consists of 60% of your results, at least. clen isnt a steroid, but not being used to it, i would save it for later when you have shed some body fat already. it will help you get the "rest of it" off of you. good luck buddy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by SavageM3
    Thanks guys.... Is there any supplement that can help me loose my fat off faster? Like i said before i was thinking about taking clen to help me tone up, but if thats too harsh, is there anything over the counter that can do something similar?
    Bro get on the cardio train, then use supps to get that last hard to lose fat off, if you don't do cardio, no supp is going to help


  9. #9
    fo sho thanks guys........ DIET IS THE KEY!! lol ....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Make your own. Pick up some No-Doze at K-mart, ephedrine at any convenient store and aspirin if you want. I leave it out.

    25mg ephedrine
    200mg caffeine
    326mg asprin if needed

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