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Thread: Prog Gyno, Help.

  1. #1
    SpringsBridge7 Guest

    Prog Gyno, Help.

    Ok Im starting to get progesterone related gyno in my left nipple. Ive been taking B6 and its not working, Ive seen people say that Bromo and something else work for it. I need to know what the full name of these products are if their over the counter or where to get them also the effective dosage. Thanks n adv.

  2. #2
    SpringsBridge7 Guest

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I think you might be looking for cabergoline (aka dostinex), i know this takes care of prolactin, i think prog as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Your looking for dostinex. I've used it with good results. Stay away from the bromo if you can....side effects made me feel like sh!t.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Uh, no. He's looking for LETRO! You can get it from AR-R ... Dostinex (cabergoline) is anti-prolactin. However, if you're not lactating, you need something that reduces the problem you ARE having - progesterone (since thats what you say caused it) ... Maybe you could take B6, or T3, and cabergoline to AVOID Pr Gyno, but you can't reverse it with those... and they are tenuous ancillaries at best as far as I read.

    What are you taking?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Hooker reversed gyno with it... no surgery. I didn't say HALT it, I said REVERSED it. Look here at the profile for Letrozole (Femera)...

    You must feel really anxious and stressed right now. So you know, AR-R has a PHENOMINAL reputation amongst members here... and that product is VERY strong. Read the profile, it should give you some peace of mind tonight that the cavalry is on the way.

  7. #7
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Thanks guys, yeah im taking 400mg of deca ew and 500mg test e ew. I started the deca way before the test, b6 helped for a little while but i noticed my left nipple has a little bit more of a fatty area around it also when i squeeze it stuff comes out more then earlier in my cycle. My other nipple stuff comes out but its not sore or anything like the left.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    MORE THAN EARLIER??? Shouldn't that have been your first clue that you need to treat it RIGHT AWAY!? Okay, sorry, I just feel frustrated that you wait once you see a symptom.

    The "stuff" that comes out may be cured with dostinex, or B6, or Bromo ... but there's nothing that directly states that it's progesterone-gyno. Maybe you have estrogen gyno, and maybe you have Pr-gyno. There's no way to tell for sure, but your best bet is to get on Letro... and start off with a hefty dose like 2.5mg ED... as Hooker did. Most people require surgery to get rid of it... but that may work for you.

    GOOD LUCK! Next time do NOT delay. Those are your TITTIES man! Take care of them!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    Thanks guys, yeah im taking 400mg of deca ew and 500mg test e ew. I started the deca way before the test, b6 helped for a little while but i noticed my left nipple has a little bit more of a fatty area around it also when i squeeze it stuff comes out more then earlier in my cycle. My other nipple stuff comes out but its not sore or anything like the left.

    Would it not seem more likely that he has estrogen gyno rather than progesterone gyno based upon the dosages of test and deca that he is taking?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    around it also when i squeeze it stuff comes out more then earlier in my cycle

    Uh, I hate to say this, but if you have a penis, stuff is not supposed to come out of your nipples, this is simply not normal. I would say get some letro from ARR pronto-and good luck, to me you shall forever be known as Leaky Nipples.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by SpringsBridge7
    i noticed my left nipple has a little bit more of a fatty area around it also when i squeeze it stuff comes out more then earlier in my cycle. My other nipple stuff comes out but its not sore or anything like the left.
    Free colostrum! yummy... people pay big bucks for that. And you have your very own source, and its portable... take it whenever you feel you need a protein snack.

  12. #12
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Well the thing is even before i started juicing i squeezed my nipple just fucking around and a little bit of liquid im talking very tiny amount came out the tip. Now when i do it a little bit more then that tiny bit that came out before comes out now. If your not juicing squeeze the tip of your nipple and look a little bit of liquid will come out. Im gonna get the letro though thanks for the help. I was just taking b6 to get rid of it but like i said its not working. I did take action when i first felt pain but it wasnt the right action. Agian thanks guys

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