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im taking wk 1-5 Adrol 50mg ED wk 1-12 Test E 250mgMon/250mgThurs wk 6-12 winny 100mg EOD
my buddy is taking wk 1-5 adrol 50mg ED wk 6-10 winny 100mg EOD (couldn't talk him into spending the money for test..but whatever)
the question is...i have nolv and clom on-hand...but i'm hoping to wait until after the cycle to use them...he has nolv too...should he wait until after the "cycle" to take his nolv or should he take it during since it's so shitty?
also i told him he definitely needs to be taking creatine after as part of pct with protein and such....he has milk thistle, fish oils, mv, etc. is there anything else he needs? Finasteride? Fenugreek?