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Just wanted to say that I love this forum - I've been researching it now for months and finally decided on what I will be running. I just wanted to hear what your thoughts are, being a first cycle.
First, here are some stats about myself.
Height: 6'1
Weight: 220
Lifting Exp: 8 yrs
Age: 26
AAS/PCT: British Dragon TESTABOL PROPIONATE [100 mg/ml], Denkall WINSTROL [100 mg/ml, 10 ml], NOLVADEX 10 mg tabs by Hexal
Week 1-10: Test Prop - 100 MG every other day
Week 3-10: Winstrol - 50 MG every other day
Week 11: Nolvadex 30 mg every day
Week 12: Nolvadex 30 mg every day
Week 13: Nolvadex 20 mg every day
Here are some questions:
- Is this a suitable cycle for a person of my lifting exp. and age?I see no problem
- Is my PCT proper?Some like Nolv only for PCt,and others run both Clomid and Nolv
- Are my dosages proper?Winny needs to be ran ED because of the short half life
- Do I need different needle gauges for the two injectables?No
- Would you recommend rotating injection sites? (IE glutes, thighs, glutes, etc)Yes
Thanks in advance - I'd just like to say that this site is the shit, and I would be totally lost with out it.