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Thread: To Nolva or not??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    To Nolva or not??

    Hi guys

    First cycle was 500mg/week sust for 12 weeks and I noticed no estrogen related sides, I was on 10mg nolva a day.

    Now I'm planning 650mg test 400/week for 12 weeks and
    300mg deca/week for 10 weeks

    Do I def need to take nolva all the time or only if sides develop?
    Is 10mg enough or should I run 20?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    a nolva a day keeps the Bitchies away !!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The process of developing Gynecomastia doesn't always present signs. The dreaded lump can appear unoticed and by then it is too late.

    I had no swelling or pain, just noticed the lump one day when I was having an itch.

    My advice is don't shoot without it mate! Some people are gifted in that they never take anti e's and never suffer from gyne. Unless you know you are one of these people, its not worth the risk.


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