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Thread: 1st cycle 1st shot 1st pain?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    at home

    1st cycle 1st shot 1st pain?

    I started my first cycle Saturday Oct. 1. I am taking Test E at 500mg a week. Also taking nolva at 10mg and Adex at .25mg a day. Took my first shot of Test E at 250mg Saturday. I used a 23g 1.5" pin. All went well i thought, but I didn't go balls deep with the pin, maybe left a 1/4" out. So I got done and went to sit on my couch a couple hours later and felt something move from my ass cheek to my back. A day later a knot formed in my lower back about 2.5 inches from my injection site. Not real red and a little sore, so I let my wife massage it out on Tuesday after some heat. Knot went way down the next day but still a little red and sore. Did my second injection Tuesday night in the other side, and all went better just a sore ass. I did inject a lot slower and massage a lot more after. Anyway my temp for last 3 days is around 99.5 to 100F. My tailbone area where the lump was is pretty sore. After this long ass story, Is it possible I have an infection or can the test be given me flu like symptoms already. The doc is properly close in my future

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by wastingtime3
    I started my first cycle Saturday Oct. 1. I am taking Test E at 500mg a week. Also taking nolva at 10mg and Adex at .25mg a day. Took my first shot of Test E at 250mg Saturday. I used a 23g 1.5" pin. All went well i thought, but I didn't go balls deep with the pin, maybe left a 1/4" out. So I got done and went to sit on my couch a couple hours later and felt something move from my ass cheek to my back. A day later a knot formed in my lower back about 2.5 inches from my injection site. Not real red and a little sore, so I let my wife massage it out on Tuesday after some heat. Knot went way down the next day but still a little red and sore. Did my second injection Tuesday night in the other side, and all went better just a sore ass. I did inject a lot slower and massage a lot more after. Anyway my temp for last 3 days is around 99.5 to 100F. My tailbone area where the lump was is pretty sore. After this long ass story, Is it possible I have an infection or can the test be given me flu like symptoms already. The doc is properly close in my future
    Unless you have a ton of fat on your glutes, 1.25 inches would have been in the muscle. That said, no way should the lump be traveling. That would suggest you did shoot the oil sub Q and not IM. You have a much higher risk of abcess that way but it will probably absorb over time. In the future, take your time and sink the needle where it has to go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Im not a veteran like a lot of the guys here, but Im in week 9 of my first cycle with a few shots under my belt. The first shot really sucked. Just like yours, no sweat at first, but I woke up that night with a throbbing ass. Each glute shot got better as time went by. Around week 6 I couldn't reach around to hit my glute without cramping anymore. So, I started hitting my quads. The first few quad shots hurt pretty bad too. But now they are used to it and hardly hurt at all. Icing the injection spot helped the pain for me. Also, watch the if the shot goes subcutaneus instead of intramuscular. I've had 2 injections that either did not go deep enough or leaked back into the fat. It caused swelling of the skin in a large patch around the injection site. Some ice and a few days later the area cleared up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810
    Im not a veteran like a lot of the guys here, but Im in week 9 of my first cycle with a few shots under my belt. The first shot really sucked. Just like yours, no sweat at first, but I woke up that night with a throbbing ass. Each glute shot got better as time went by. Around week 6 I couldn't reach around to hit my glute without cramping anymore. So, I started hitting my quads. The first few quad shots hurt pretty bad too. But now they are used to it and hardly hurt at all. Icing the injection spot helped the pain for me. Also, watch the if the shot goes subcutaneus instead of intramuscular. I've had 2 injections that either did not go deep enough or leaked back into the fat. It caused swelling of the skin in a large patch around the injection site. Some ice and a few days later the area cleared up.
    Sounds familiar :-)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    advil...heating bath,...massage....hey its not gonna feel good you know...just massage it out

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    at home
    Thanks for the replys guys. The lump is pretty much disapated and not to red. Maybe a little red from my wife rubbing it and the heat that I 've been applying. The slight fever and flu like systoms gets me woried. It might just be a reaction to the BA or the test itself? Next shot saturday in the quad

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    at home
    Just updating and now i got a good lump on my other cheek from tues. nite injection. Feelin alright but temp is still a little off. My gear 300mg/ml and the BA ia at .02ml for 10ml vile. Is that high? I really thought I did a great injection Tuesday. Proberly switch viles tommorow and hit a quad.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810
    Im not a veteran like a lot of the guys here, but Im in week 9 of my first cycle with a few shots under my belt. The first shot really sucked. Just like yours, no sweat at first, but I woke up that night with a throbbing ass. Each glute shot got better as time went by. Around week 6 I couldn't reach around to hit my glute without cramping anymore. So, I started hitting my quads. The first few quad shots hurt pretty bad too. But now they are used to it and hardly hurt at all. Icing the injection spot helped the pain for me. Also, watch the if the shot goes subcutaneus instead of intramuscular. I've had 2 injections that either did not go deep enough or leaked back into the fat. It caused swelling of the skin in a large patch around the injection site. Some ice and a few days later the area cleared up.
    every time i hit a virgin muscle it hurts at first...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    at home
    Hey Drummer. Do you mean virgin as in first cycle or everytime you start a new cycle?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    go buy a massager, only cost about $35 at walmart... you can massage all day long, then your lump will be gone very soon....I bought a massager and it works, I it' hard to finsh a juice cycle with out a massager....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    if iam shooting in the quad is a 1" pin deep enough our should i go 1.5"

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