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Thread: how long before side effetcs kick in?

  1. #1

    Question how long before side effetcs kick in?

    hey guys.. im new here and i had a question. I'm just about to start taking steriods and I wanted to know how long it usually takes before the side effects kick in... If im only using it for a month or two will I see a dramatic size difference and will some of the side effects start showing. I have a really fast metabolism and can't seem to keep the weight i gain on, plus i play a lot of intramural basketball. I have a couple friends that take it now and they don't seem to be suffering any side effetcs yet.. but i guess it works differently with everybody. I've been looking in the other threads and can't seem to find the info i need. If someone colud help me with these questions it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    everybodys diffrent, good sides and bad sides will effect people diffrently. my advice to you is to research a little more and maybe just adjust your diet before steroids.

  3. #3
    adjust my diet to what? i'm eating 6 times a day already...all small portions.... do you have a suggestion?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Tig Ole Bitties!
    Well bro, give us a little bit more detail on what your planning on doing. What are your stats? Age, height, wieght, lifting experience, DIET, bf%, etc? What steroids are you going to run for your first cycle? What are your firends using? How long are they running their cycles? What are they doing for Post Cycle Therapy? I am assuming you and your friends know what PCT is? Hopefully.. if not, its all good.. Its better to learn and ask questions before you jump into this rather than screw yourself over in the long run. You, just like the rest of us, have alot to learn when it comes to AAS, that is why we are here. There are alot of great people here who can help get you started or at least point you in the right direction. btw, welcome to the board. also btw, dont be a smartass
    Last edited by gaa9679572; 10-07-2005 at 12:45 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    THIS IS FROM THE DIET FORUM Diet is 75% of bulking up IMO. You can lift like Ronnie Coleman, but bottom line you will not grow any muscle without the calories behind it for bulking. Simple biology and one equation---->

    Calorie balance=Calories in - Calorie expenditure

    If you aren't gaining weight, you are not in a positive calorie balance so you need to either cut out all cardio, eat more, or both. Try adding up your calories using the links at the bottom of the page, many people who think they "eat all the time" actually eat under 3000 calories per day, which is very low for a bulking diet. Get used to eating frequently also, like every 3 hours tops. The only time I was hungry on my last bulker was right when I woke up in the morning. Remember: an appetite is not necessary to eat. You need to get used to eating what/when you MUST, not what/when you want.

    There are two ways to bulk: A clean bulk (slower, but leaner gains) and a dirty bulk (faster gains, more fat storage if metabolism isn’t fast) The main difference is that on a clean bulk, you NEVER eat carbs and fats together. Milk is bad for this reason. Eating carbs and fats together causes almost all of the fat to get stored instead of used for energy. Don’t eat carbs in your last 2 meals of the day because they get stored as fat while you sleep. Eat at least 40g protein with every meal, and make meals either protein/fat or protein/carb.

    PWO=Post Workout, the most anabolic (muscle building) time in anyone’s day is the half hour following a workout. It is best to use a fast-acting protein like Whey. Your muscles soak up protein like a sponge. It is also useful to eat twice as many carbs as protein to help shuttle the proteins to the muscles. The PWO shakes I use are

    ---50g Optimum Nutrition Whey
    ---50g Dextrose (Corn sugar, causes an insulin spike to increase absorption of protein)
    ---50g Maltodextrin (Powdered complex carb supplement)

    Some people prefer to drop the maltodextrin and just do 100g of dextrose. Try both and see what works for you.

    Eating approximately every 2.5 to 3 hours is good for 3 reasons…
    1. You can eat more calories in a day if your meals are smaller. Its easier to eat 600 calorie meals 6 times a day then it is to eat 1200 calorie meals 3 times a day.
    2. Your body can only digest so many calories at a meal, and the rest gets stored as fat. Lowering the amount of food eaten at one time reduces the “extra” over what you need.
    3. Muscles start to catabolize (break down) if they are without protein for 3-4 hours unless you are sleeping. Hell, when I'm bulking I drink a milk/casein shake when I get up to piss at night.

    For all you 130-150 pounders thinking about taking steroids... re-evaluate your diets. If you can't gain weight naturally, steroids aren't going to do anything for you except shrink your balls. Think about it... raw materials to form muscles have to come from somewhere right? Try eating 300g protein, 400g carbs, and 150g fats.

    You will grow.

    A couple useful links

    1) <----Huge database of foods, can look up pro/fat/carbs and calories on them.

    2) <------Basically the same

    3) <----- An equation that you
    plug in your weight and bodyfat percentage and it will tell you how many calories you need to eat every day to grow.

    If your diet is "all that and a bag of chips", and you STILL weigh 140 pounds dripping wet, either you have a SERIOUS thyroid problem or your training sucks. Remember "The Big 5" - Squat, Deadlift, Row, Bench, Military.

    GET BIG!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Tig Ole Bitties!
    Quote Originally Posted by aphrike5
    adjust my diet to what? i'm eating 6 times a day already...all small portions.... do you have a suggestion?
    Again, I'm just assuming, because I don't know much about you yet, but with your fast metabolism and your cardio from ball, you should prob change your diet from 6 times a day all small portions, to 6-8 times a day large portions of a whole lot hell of alot of calories and proteins

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Tig Ole Bitties!
    Quote Originally Posted by sniper320
    eat 300g protein, 400g carbs, and 150g fats.

    You will grow.

  8. #8
    well, im 25 years old, 6 foot, and 207 pounds. Ive been eating alot of beef and chicken. Wake up have couple boiled eggs and a maybe some oatmeal, then a protein shake 2 hours later, than i'll have chicken anorher two hours later, than a protein shake another two hours later. AFter work i'll have a can of tuna or something then i'll usually go and lift after that for about an hour and a half, (doing mostly strength training) and then come back and eat some grilled burger patties. I try and change it up but it seems like there only so much of what kind of food you can eat when your trying to eat right. Thats dinner, then i'll have like a peanut butter sandwich with a protein shake before i go to bed. My freind is taking t-boz i think its called. I was interested in that also, but don't know too much about it. We went into this suplement store called great earth the other day and the guy there tried to sell me steriods. He said it would do the same thing as t-boz except that it came with a dropper and you would put a drop of it under our tongue each morning, but you would still get the same results. What do you guys think about that? I don't know what PCT is by the way... however it seems that you guys are very knowledgeable , so that good, im here to learn.

  9. #9
    hey sniper i read waht you wrote and it makes sense.. do you think i should just take weight gainer as part of my diet?... would that be a dirty bulk... ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Tig Ole Bitties!
    Quote Originally Posted by aphrike5
    well, im 25 years old, 6 foot, and 207 pounds. Ive been eating alot of beef and chicken. Wake up have couple boiled eggs and a maybe some oatmeal, then a protein shake 2 hours later, than i'll have chicken anorher two hours later, than a protein shake another two hours later. AFter work i'll have a can of tuna or something then i'll usually go and lift after that for about an hour and a half, (doing mostly strength training) and then come back and eat some grilled burger patties. I try and change it up but it seems like there only so much of what kind of food you can eat when your trying to eat right. Thats dinner, then i'll have like a peanut butter sandwich with a protein shake before i go to bed. My freind is taking t-boz i think its called. I was interested in that also, but don't know too much about it. We went into this suplement store called great earth the other day and the guy there tried to sell me steriods. He said it would do the same thing as t-boz except that it came with a dropper and you would put a drop of it under our tongue each morning, but you would still get the same results. What do you guys think about that? I don't know what PCT is by the way... however it seems that you guys are very knowledgeable , so that good, im here to learn.
    Okay, good bro now we are getting somewhere.. your diet looks.........Alright. But, you can definetly through in more calories to gain weight. That was a sweet post by sniper 320. All he did to get you that information was he went into the Diet section and found it probably in a sticky thread. Great info to help you with your diet. We could probably sum that post up by saying FOOD is the best steroid! Anyway, back to business, how long have you been training and what is your bf%? It very important to know this before we start telling you what steroids to jump onto. What i can tell you is NOT to buy any "steroid" from some asslick at a nature health store that you can put under your tongue. Get that into your head right now. Glad that was brought out into the open.. there are other sections here at anabolic-review( that you can go into to learn more about steroids in general, PCT (very IMPORTANT), and the side effects of steroids. I would first suggest this:

  11. #11
    well, i just started getting back into the routine now ... its been about 2 months since i started again... but 2 years if i was to give a time length. I use to be 175 pounds... weight gainer along with eating like a beast helped me to gain the 30 pounds.... Now the last time i checked, which was in the supplement store. it said that 30 pounds of my 206 was fat... what % is that? but that was before i started working out again two months ago... so im sure it when down.... but let me ask you something... my friends said that the steroid droppers would be a lot better for me since i was so worried about the side effects, and i would still get the same results i wanted though not as good as his since he's using t-boz, do you agree with this...?
    Last edited by aphrike5; 10-07-2005 at 01:37 AM.

  12. #12
    the most i ever weighed at one point was 220 pds...but i didn't have any kind of definition, then i started running and the weight dropped to fast...... now i'm trying to get back the weight, but with more definition... while my chest grows i'm having touble making my arms (bi-ceps and tri-ceps grow)... i've done every kind of excersise for them... now i'm thinking of turning to steroids....

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