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Thread: Yet another Dbol question

  1. #1

    Yet another Dbol question

    Sorry guys, I just waded through about 1000 dbol threads and can't find the answer to my questions, so bear with me.

    I am going to use dbol to kickstart a 10 week cycle of 500mgEnan and 400mg Eq. I know that I will get puffy and bloated while on the dbol, but once I stop the dbol and the test and eq kick in, will I lose the puffiness from the dbol or will I stay bloated? If I lose the bloat, will I lose the weight?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Fort Lauderdale Florida
    u will lose some wieght when u lose the puffyness seeing as it is water weight. Suggestions: arimidex, liquidex. run those at .25-.5 depending on how much water u wanna refrain from retaining. u can simply take that just through the dbol. you will get some bloatedness from the test aswell but i dont believe much from enth. Sounds as if you were concerned so i would go with teh arim or liquidex. hope that answers ur question. peace

  4. #4
    I'm not really worried about the bloat as long as I don't look like the Stay-puff Marshmellow man. I was just curious if the Eq would harden up the bloated dbol gains?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    This is all personal experiment information!

    Much of the bloat comes from the dose - The higher the dose the more the bloat.

    I have also found that of the 3 main types of dbol I get more bloat from napsoim and the least from thais. However the same goes for the positive effects too! For me this means that russians are the best - a cross between the two.

    I generally find that with dbol as soon as I stop taking it I lose any bloat I had, and with it most of the gains I may have made with it, however I am in the process of messing with this so watch this space!

    As for EQ hardening the bloated gains the answer has to be no since the bloat is only water - Cant harden that up above zero degrees! However it may well harden up any real gains you get from the dbol, but you may not see those until the bloat has gone.

  6. #6
    Thanks Kaz, exactly what I was looking for.

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