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Thread: One of our biggest UG Sources Busted in Texas

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    Yea I would think that would be the case. If you don't have anything on you then what is there to bust you with? Even if you bought within the last couple months and finished your cycle and cleaned up so there's no evidence, they can't do anything. I would think the evidence would have to be PRESENT in your house for them for anything to happen.
    Somewhat correct.
    If they have evidence that you purchased they got it you. The evidence does not go a way because they cant find the juice in your house.

    Regardless, if you get busted based on a few old transactions you will have to hire an attorney. Expensive and beyond just a pain in the ass.

    All this because the sources does not delete old records?

    My point is just that they should delete old records that is not needed.

    The records by the way helps the IRS to build a case too.

    PA just got raided by the IRS.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    It's almost like they want their customers to go down with them when they do stupid shit like keeping old transactions around. A supposedly top notch source like p** *** wasn't suppose to be this careless.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    oh one more thing......the woman on the tv says that steroids "destroy the lives of many athletes"

    what BS. Ask Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Jose Cansco (who admits!) , barry bonds, if it has destroyed their lives.

    lmao at the detective's claim for "understanding there is liver and brain damage" Liver damages, yes, if excessive orals are used. BUt brain damage? Give me a f'in break! Maybe if you injected into your brain thru your skuill, lmao!

    i hear ya man what athletes life has it destroyed???? even when Ben Jhonson juiced for the Olyimpics and got busted, in his interveiw he said he did not regret takeeing the juice.

  4. #44
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    i hear ya man what athletes life has it destroyed???? even when Ben Jhonson juiced for the Olyimpics and got busted, in his interveiw he said he did not regret takeeing the juice.
    granit Flex Wheeler had a break down but i think that was do to all the inslin he was prolly takeing at the time..

  5. #45
    Contrary to popular media belief, athletes/ bodybuilders do not utilize steroids to kill themselves, cause brain damage, destroy their lives, etc. The bias of the media is that people need to " be protected" from these drugs.

  6. #46
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    Sep 2005
    well i guess i'm fvcked cause i have an order pending with him right now. man that sucks. half was for a good friend too. what should i do for percations? and also, do you guys think that he was the main dude. they obviously had a lab to run wich equalls more than one worker, don't you think?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    He was caught with his car without plates...... listen to the video again. I don't care if the investigator said that steroids will shrink your wang that isn't the point. Everytime there's a bust more go down from those bust so the hype isn't just going to go away.

    Also, we don't know if what has been said about the laptop is true on either side.......... people only tell you what you want to hear.
    Yes i saw the video, however they are WRONG, it was NOT because of no plates.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    what happened then, PM me if you have too.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by james21
    Yes i saw the video, however they are WRONG, it was NOT because of no plates.
    then why was it?

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    license plate lights were out

  11. #51
    still though, if he had gear and incriminating papers visible in his car, they wouldn't need a search warrant if it was visible

    if he was smart, he would put it in his trunk- because it would be very hard for them to get a warrant to search a car, because your license plate lights were out

    just a thought

  12. #52
    i think there is more to the story than what is being told on both sides i would think he is the hottest source on the boards now and i suggest we all stay far away just to be safe

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by testosterona
    well i guess i'm fvcked cause i have an order pending with him right now. man that sucks. half was for a good friend too. what should i do for percations? and also, do you guys think that he was the main dude. they obviously had a lab to run wich equalls more than one worker, don't you think?
    Looks like your out that order bro. Sorry to hear this. As a precautionary measure it probably would be wise to make sure your pad is clean just in case the law has any info on you and wants to execute a search....Better safe than sorry.

    BTW..this story has been spreadin' like wildfire across the boards. I received a heads-up e-mail from a mod at another board about this one. I know you can't believe everything you hear in the media, but clearly, this fella was not acting smart enough to save his own ass.
    I sure hope he was his own source.

  14. #54
    yea but he could have lots of fun setting up clients he sure does have the volume for that so stay safe

  15. #55
    Join Date
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    How is everyone 100% that this guy is really P** M**

  16. #56
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    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Quote Originally Posted by STRANGE
    How is everyone 100% that this guy is really P** M**
    I personally do not know for sure that it is him, but I can tell you that I received an e-mail from a mod at another board stating that P** M** is in fact the one that got popped.

  17. #57
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by shrpskn
    I personally do not know for sure that it is him, but I can tell you that I received an e-mail from a mod at another board stating that P** M** is in fact the one that got popped.

    i also got an email saying that it was him....

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    don't you think if they had the sources from his computer they would say so, instead they said the the info on his computer may contain info on buyers, i think there fishin, and dont really have sh*t yet

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by thndrgod33
    don't you think if they had the sources from his computer they would say so, instead they said the the info on his computer may contain info on buyers, i think there fishin, and dont really have sh*t yet
    I hope so bu tthen again LE wont tell you all the cards they have that would just blow there case

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    all the crap they talk on the news is BS...they say all that stuff to scare kids, its so bias its not even funny. I hate all that crap, i remember watchin the news about a kid that took steroiuds when he was 16....freakin 16 years old. they claimed the steroids made him commit suicide. Although it is an absolutely horrible thing to think about, a 16 year old committing suicide, i doubt steroids DIRECTLY caused it...or rather a lack of a post-cycle and test levels that were so low (because he was 16 and on gear) caused a horrible depression that resulted in a suicide.
    but all this negative publicity is real BS...i want somebody to look at both sides of juice, and really air something like that

  21. #61
    real sports on HBO defended juice it was a great show

  22. #62
    yes, i think his name was taylor hooton......according to john romano this kid also ended his cycle cold turkey...not smart. atop of that he probably had issues before he took it

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Allentown, PA

    DirectTV and Steroids

    Quote Originally Posted by MorganKane
    DirectTV sued thousands of people for satellite theft after they busted several dealers. People got sued years after they purchased equipment.

    Imagien that you get busted for gear you bought a year or two ago due to the info being still available.

    Delete the damn info as soon as the transaction is done.
    Yes, I was one of those who direct TV tried to fry because I bought a programmer from one company and a chip from another. I have wondered about this but I would think they actually have to catch you with the stuff. As for the programmer, it would have been on them to prove I actually used it. But many fell for the DirectTV scam and paid the 5,000.00 +

  24. #64
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    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon
    Yes, I was one of those who direct TV tried to fry because I bought a programmer from one company and a chip from another. I have wondered about this but I would think they actually have to catch you with the stuff. As for the programmer, it would have been on them to prove I actually used it. But many fell for the DirectTV scam and paid the 5,000.00 +
    Did you keep up with this?
    They sued thousands of people.

  25. #65
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by thndrgod33
    don't you think if they had the sources from his computer they would say so, instead they said the the info on his computer may contain info on buyers, i think there fishin, and dont really have sh*t yet
    He posted on a board yesterday.He has his laptop.He had a script for the Test.His tag was expired.He's out on 500 bond.He will be returning e mails to everyone shortly.

    You guys need to get out and about on other boards!!!Out of respect to him,I won't put a link up to the thread!!


  26. #66
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    Allentown, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by MorganKane
    Did you keep up with this?
    They sued thousands of people.
    I often worried about the same thing happening with websites like this that keep forums. I believe it all started with a website called the pirates den and fanned out from there. As for the following of the lawsuit. I spoke to a lawyer and her informed me that I should ignore it and see what happens. I have to tell you the length at which they used the American gorvenment to seize records and do their biding was unreal. No wonder everyone is so damned parinoid these days. It easier to get crack or heroin than roids.

  27. #67
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    Houston, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon
    I often worried about the same thing happening with websites like this that keep forums. I believe it all started with a website called the pirates den and fanned out from there. As for the following of the lawsuit. I spoke to a lawyer and her informed me that I should ignore it and see what happens. I have to tell you the length at which they used the American gorvenment to seize records and do their biding was unreal. No wonder everyone is so damned parinoid these days. It easier to get crack or heroin than roids.
    I did follow the lawsuits, etc for a while and it really made me sick to my stomach. Basically what they did was plain extortion.
    Also, it made me pretty paranoid about records, etc.

  28. #68
    haha steroids cause cancer

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    i'm pissed man. that guy was THE homie

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    ya...brain cancer. and they ruined the lives of 8mlb players......ya....right

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MorganKane
    Somewhat correct.
    If they have evidence that you purchased they got it you. The evidence does not go a way because they cant find the juice in your house.

    Regardless, if you get busted based on a few old transactions you will have to hire an attorney. Expensive and beyond just a pain in the ass.

    All this because the sources does not delete old records?

    My point is just that they should delete old records that is not needed.

    The records by the way helps the IRS to build a case too.

    PA just got raided by the IRS.
    Just out of curiosity, what transactional evidence are you referring to? The records kept by the dealer or the buyer or both? It makes a big difference. If all they have are dealer records, then what does that do? As far as you and I know, he might have listed Puff Daddy and Jennifer Lopez. Does that mean, P. Daddy and J.Lo are going to get popped due to records kept by him...I would think not.

    The buyer has to show a solid connection to the a credit card receipt or a traceable email or something associating the buyer to the dealer...otherwise...what? It could lead to some probable cause (p.c.)....but then again...if the P.C. is older then 60-90 days...good luck geting a search warrant...the p.c. is too stale. However, you do fall under their eyes of scrutiny so an investigation can be launched.

    Simply, some old a$$ transactional records for a dope/drug case isn't going to work....why? B/c the prosecutors are going to tell you to "f" yourself. The U.S. Atty's office and the local AG's office will tell you to get something more...substantial....They are not going to take a low-dollar dope/drug case to court without any evidence of dope/drug. Yes, if a case is totally high profile or truly big enough (million dollar case)..then they may saddle up, but to chase after a thousand dollars worth of roids that a single schmuck purchased? Not likely.

    In the case of Patrick Arnold, that's a white collar crime the IRS is chasing after him for.....white collar crime cases are rooted in old a$$ transactional records and other documents utilized to further a crime....Also, the IRS works shiat like money laundering and criminal tax evasion or bank fraud or some shiat like that...not possession or distribution of dope/drug.

    Just fyi.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    These guys might deserve to get busted, busted for being stupid. Keeping/giving out receipts, WTF this isn't Walmart, if you don't like you gear you're out, so throw away all evidence that you ordered/sold it. And driving around with your laptop that has all of your client info on it STOOPID! Almost as dumbe as driving around in a car with no plates and an illegal substance inside. Does anyone else see an emerging pattern in most of the legal issues we have seen latley-GEAR IN CARS! Leave the shit at home, pull your head out take a breath of fresh air and leave the shit in your bathroom where you use it.

  33. #73
    It is hard to depict what really happened and what the media made up. First It was no plate on car, then expired plates. There are so many gray areas. I'd just say wait a while and see what comes of it. I don't think everyone spreading this nonesense on every major steroid board is helping matter at all. If they did not know who he was, NOW THEY DO. GOOD JOB. We are only hurting ourselves. These threads need to be deleted.

  34. #74
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    Yes, who can you trust?

    Judging by the way the media acts these days I am not sure you can trust anything they say or print. I have found that most what I read is selfserving on the part of law enforcement or government. This bust will probably turn into a commercial for Bush! Someone will request another 50 billion in the homeland security bill to fight steroids... They will more than likely tie it in with terrorism.

  35. #75
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    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by james21
    First off he wasen't driving a car with no plates, and second the investigators said steroids cause brain cancer. The news over hypes, it will dissappear, they probably didnt have anything better to play on the news so they threw this clip together, especially since steroids are a big subject in the news lately. Also I believe they have WU reciepts not email reciepts, and I believe he has possession of his laptop again without any information compromised.
    They do cause brain cancer tons of medical studies show this......NOT!!! haha I would hate to be this guy.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon
    Judging by the way the media acts these days I am not sure you can trust anything they say or print. I have found that most what I read is selfserving on the part of law enforcement or government. This bust will probably turn into a commercial for Bush! Someone will request another 50 billion in the homeland security bill to fight steroids... They will more than likely tie it in with terrorism.
    Nah, Bush ****ed up fiscal policy pretty good. The US is practically broke, esp after Katrina. But that is the kind of shit they would do.

  37. #77
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    These guys might deserve to get busted, busted for being stupid. Keeping/giving out receipts, WTF this isn't Walmart, if you don't like you gear you're out, so throw away all evidence that you ordered/sold it. And driving around with your laptop that has all of your client info on it STOOPID! Almost as dumbe as driving around in a car with no plates and an illegal substance inside. Does anyone else see an emerging pattern in most of the legal issues we have seen latley-GEAR IN CARS! Leave the shit at home, pull your head out take a breath of fresh air and leave the shit in your bathroom where you use it.
    Well, you only here about the dumbasses, thousands of people do the same thing but are much smarter and thus you never hear of them.

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