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Thread: glass in the amp...worry or not?

  1. #1

    glass in the amp...worry or not?

    Preparing my syringe for tomorrows injection...these galenika test/e amps are really hard to snap open, and this one exploded. I could see glass fragments floating in the test solution so i chucked it and started a new one. I'm sure this will happen again, can glass get sucked up the needle 23g? should i have just used the test/e anyway?

    BTW i'd much prefer to get my test/e in 10ml bottles with the rubber stopper, need 250mg/ per ml strength. What's the best test/e you can get in the 10ml rubber stopper bottles at that strength?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Unlikely to impossible. I've done that before and still used the juice. The glass shards are much too big to be sucked up the needle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Glass can get into the syringe. score the amp first with a metal file or if the amp has a dot painted on the neck, snap away from the dot. After scoring snap by pushing and pulling the top away at the same time. Takes just a bit of practice.

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