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Thread: Cycle Questions PLEASE ADVISE

  1. #1

    Cycle Questions PLEASE ADVISE

    Hey everybody, I am new to this forum, but have been a member of a few others for some time. I am getting ready to do my first stacked AAS cycle, and want to get opinions from different boards as everyone seems to have different opinions. The cycle is primarily intended for cutting.

    Week 1-8 Test Prop 100mg EOD (350mg/wk)
    Week 1-8 Parabolan (Tren A) 75mg EOD (262mg/wk)
    Week 2-8 Cytomel (T3) 100mcg ED (Taper up/down)
    Week 6-12 Clenbutrol 100mcg ED (Taper up/down)
    Week 4-5 HCG 2000 I.U. E5D
    Week 8-10 HCG 2000I.U. E5D
    Week 11-13 Nolvadex 20mg ED

    This has been altered many times, primarily the T3, Clenbutrol, HCG and Nolvadex. Some people run HCG from week 3 until week before nolva, what are your thoughts? The AAS doses are on the lower side so I chose 2000IU for the HCG where others have reccomended up to 5000. I stacked the clenbutrol at the end of the cycle purposefully overlapping the T3 for their combined fat burning properties, but also clenbutrols anti-catabolic effects. I am hoping this will aid in rentaining gains seen from this cycle.

    Questions: Should I run HCG at lower dosages throughout cycle ie 500IU E3/4D from week 3 on, as is, or just the last 4 weeks or so? Does the stack of T3 and Clenbutrol make sense? My connection is through a friend of a friend of a cousin who is dating the guy who knows a guy in a gym, and tomorrow is a rare opportunity where I will get to see him. He has already located all of this, and I want to get opinions before I pull the trigger, thanks guys!
    Last edited by swede3333; 10-09-2005 at 06:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Originally, before I changed it last minute, I had selected to run HCG 500IU E3D from week 3-10...? Should these be adjusted since both the prop and tren are short esters?, maybe move PCT up a week?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by swede3333
    Originally, before I changed it last minute, I had selected to run HCG 500IU E3D from week 3-10...? Should these be adjusted since both the prop and tren are short esters?, maybe move PCT up a week?
    Go with that from day one


  4. #4
    Does anybody else have any critiques or sugestions? I can't seem to get much response to my cycle? Thanks in advance!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Deleting the fact that you're 22 doesn't change anything, you're only fooling yourself


  6. #6
    How am I fooling myself, and when did I "delete" or claim to be anything other than my age?

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