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Thread: Hooker's New Book

  1. #1

    Hooker's New Book

    Can anyone give me more info on this, whats it about, whens it coming out, how much will it cost, etc. etc, ? Can't wait to read it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Why don't you ask Hooker directly at

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Ask big'r... he probably has a study on it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Ask big'r... he probably has a study on it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    hee hee

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Ask big'r... he probably has a study on it.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Ask big'r... he probably has a study on it.
    I don't get it...who's big'r? My name is Anthony....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    I don't get it...who's big'r? My name is Anthony....
    never mind tony... its just a feud between meso and big r.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Do you have a book coming, Hook?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Meso ... I'm lost. Fill me in ... Who's Big R?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Do you have a book coming, Hook?
    The cover is displayed in his avatar. you can view our profiles here at AR as a preview

  12. #12

    is their going to be desiner profiles?

    Hooker are you going to have desiner drug profiles?

  13. #13
    Who is Big'r though? Is his user name just "big'r"? I thought it might be some (bizarre) reference to me, because I post alot of studies (versus the usual conjecture and speculation).

    Like...the common internet rumor about me is that I'm like...small or skinny or whatever (There's a pic of me in the members pics forum, that backs up my claim of 5'7", 205, single digit bf% though).

    Lots of mods/vets and owners of various companies from the boards have met me; I've met Lion as well as the owner of this board, Brian, well as Jerzey a female vet here and mod at BB4L, rock, JuicyR6 and a bunch more who are also mods on well as TheStromba and Ms.Puddles who are mods on SBI and members here I think. So I mean...despite the "hooker is all studies and no experience" thing that I read (which is what Meso is saying about this other guy "big'r" I guess), everyone who've met me says otherwise....

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by AkAPITBULL
    Hooker are you going to have desiner drug profiles?
    For example?

    I mean...there's a profile on a bunch of stuff that I would consider "designer" which aren't anywhere else. For example, most people consider THG a designer drug, because it was the sexy Balco drug that Bonds and Giambi used...but I also consider Masteron Enanthate a designer drug, because it's only available from UG's....or Tren Enanthate....not just drugs that are obscure or "designed" for professional athletes, but rather drugs that are marketed in our little niche of the world.

    Which, of those did you mean? THG-type stuff of Masteron Enanthate type?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    the whole maso big r thing is from the glutamine thread =)

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Who is Big'r though? Is his user name just "big'r"? I thought it might be some (bizarre) reference to me, because I post alot of studies (versus the usual conjecture and speculation).

    Like...the common internet rumor about me is that I'm like...small or skinny or whatever (There's a pic of me in the members pics forum, that backs up my claim of 5'7", 205, single digit bf% though).

    Lots of mods/vets and owners of various companies from the boards have met me; I've met Lion as well as the owner of this board, Brian, well as Jerzey a female vet here and mod at BB4L, rock, JuicyR6 and a bunch more who are also mods on well as TheStromba and Ms.Puddles who are mods on SBI and members here I think. So I mean...despite the "hooker is all studies and no experience" thing that I read (which is what Meso is saying about this other guy "big'r" I guess), everyone who've met me says otherwise....
    Yup, I'd say your the only guy I personally know 5'7 205 with bf% in the single digits

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Who is Big'r though? Is his user name just "big'r"? I thought it might be some (bizarre) reference to me, because I post alot of studies (versus the usual conjecture and speculation).

    Like...the common internet rumor about me is that I'm like...small or skinny or whatever (There's a pic of me in the members pics forum, that backs up my claim of 5'7", 205, single digit bf% though).

    Lots of mods/vets and owners of various companies from the boards have met me; I've met Lion as well as the owner of this board, Brian, well as Jerzey a female vet here and mod at BB4L, rock, JuicyR6 and a bunch more who are also mods on well as TheStromba and Ms.Puddles who are mods on SBI and members here I think. So I mean...despite the "hooker is all studies and no experience" thing that I read (which is what Meso is saying about this other guy "big'r" I guess), everyone who've met me says otherwise....

    Here is the link to the glutamine riot:

    As a matter of fact, Anthony(hooker), I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide your input...and the rest of the forum would greatly appreciate it also.



  18. #18
    My input on Glutamine? I'd rather not have to read through 4-5 pages to figure out where the discussion is at, but if you want to bump the thread and state a specific question, I'll answer it, but I'm prtetty much telling you that I'm just going to read your post ....not the billion posts before it.....sorry...I don't have the time to read 100+ posts.

    In researching my book, however, I did the research for an extensive chapter on Nutrition (the longest single chapter, I believe), and I know alot about it (and BCAA's, Whey, Glutamine, etc..), so I'm sure I could answer a glutamine question.

    Oh...while I'm on the topic, and while I'm in a thread addresing my book, I'm gonna take the opportunity mention that there's alot of chapters in it that would be pretty unexpected, I think, to most readers. It's not just a "Profile Book" or even just a
    "Steroid Book" I is both of those things, but I did a whole legal chapter, written in conjunction with a lawyer, and actually rather long and detailed; covering the boards, source checks, research chems, classifieds, open-source boards, offshore servers, and Post Office boxes, search Warrants, and...jeeze, basically all the stuff you wanna know about steroids and the law....I did a whole chapter on the endocrine system, metabolism of steroids... and just...alot of stuff I think you won't find elsewhere.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Why don't you ask Hooker directly at

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    South Jersey
    my mistake on the previous post

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I am SO f-ing excited for this long awaited book!!! We need a presales section right here ... on AR! Lets get the ball rolling!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    Who is Big'r though? Is his user name just "big'r"? I thought it might be some (bizarre) reference to me, because I post alot of studies (versus the usual conjecture and speculation).

    Like...the common internet rumor about me is that I'm like...small or skinny or whatever (There's a pic of me in the members pics forum, that backs up my claim of 5'7", 205, single digit bf% though).

    Lots of mods/vets and owners of various companies from the boards have met me; I've met Lion as well as the owner of this board, Brian, well as Jerzey a female vet here and mod at BB4L, rock, JuicyR6 and a bunch more who are also mods on well as TheStromba and Ms.Puddles who are mods on SBI and members here I think. So I mean...despite the "hooker is all studies and no experience" thing that I read (which is what Meso is saying about this other guy "big'r" I guess), everyone who've met me says otherwise....
    like i said, that is not about you. its about some newbie coming on and trying to wow everyone, in the wrong manner.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerzey
    Yup, I'd say your the only guy I personally know 5'7 205 with bf% in the single digits
    hey ill be there in a few months!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    My input on Glutamine? I'd rather not have to read through 4-5 pages to figure out where the discussion is at, but if you want to bump the thread and state a specific question, I'll answer it, but I'm prtetty much telling you that I'm just going to read your post ....not the billion posts before it.....sorry...I don't have the time to read 100+ posts.

    In researching my book, however, I did the research for an extensive chapter on Nutrition (the longest single chapter, I believe), and I know alot about it (and BCAA's, Whey, Glutamine, etc..), so I'm sure I could answer a glutamine question.

    Oh...while I'm on the topic, and while I'm in a thread addresing my book, I'm gonna take the opportunity mention that there's alot of chapters in it that would be pretty unexpected, I think, to most readers. It's not just a "Profile Book" or even just a
    "Steroid Book" I is both of those things, but I did a whole legal chapter, written in conjunction with a lawyer, and actually rather long and detailed; covering the boards, source checks, research chems, classifieds, open-source boards, offshore servers, and Post Office boxes, search Warrants, and...jeeze, basically all the stuff you wanna know about steroids and the law....I did a whole chapter on the endocrine system, metabolism of steroids... and just...alot of stuff I think you won't find elsewhere.

    Alright Hooker, you're up to bat. I bumped the thread and summed up the question. It's your playground now.

    ps. (just editted this after reading the other thread) I"M NOT TRYING TO START A WAR or a beotch session or anything. I just want some resolution and after seeing this thread, I thought it was a great opportunity to ask for your input. If for whatever reason seems out of line then I apologize.
    Last edited by Knight1811; 10-10-2005 at 02:52 PM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Drummerboy
    hey ill be there in a few months!
    What are your stats??

    Are you moving here or visiting?

    Seriously, Anthony has a sick physique, especially since he really doesn't do bodybuilding. I spend 3x's as long working out every week (on normal weeks) then he does

    I had no idea what he looked like before i met him, I saw one pic w/o his face (I'm sure it's been posted here)... impressive, I can say that much.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerzey
    What are your stats??

    Are you moving here or visiting?

    Seriously, Anthony has a sick physique, especially since he really doesn't do bodybuilding. I spend 3x's as long working out every week (on normal weeks) then he does

    I had no idea what he looked like before i met him, I saw one pic w/o his face (I'm sure it's been posted here)... impressive, I can say that much.
    cute ya he has his shit together... i just dropped from 210 to 200 after last cycle... bf is kinda high but its ok, below 15... maybe 13... but one more bulker than ill cut up by spring... im 5-8.there is a shot of me in the member pics. ill post new pics when im satisfied... like 210 at 8%. Im not moving, i mean that ill be "there", like 205 and single digit BF sorry!
    Last edited by Drummerboy; 10-10-2005 at 03:53 PM.

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerzey
    Are you moving here or visiting?

    He meant he'll be "there" as in "hooker's stats" of 205, single digit BF%...not "there" as in NJ with you and I....

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by hooker
    He meant he'll be "there" as in "hooker's stats" of 205, single digit BF%...not "there" as in NJ with you and I....
    *insert blonde joke here*

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette
    *insert blonde joke here*
    Right over my head....

    See, I don't need to post pics... you can tell I'm blonde sometimes

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    WOW dude, look at the list of people on this thread! It's like a senate commitee hearing! lol. HEY! People! MAKE A PRE-SALES ORDER PAGE! :-)

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Will there be a meet-the-author signing at Borders Cafe?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2004
    i feel like a bigshot in hangin out in this thread.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Pre sales would be fine...we need that book!

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    5'9" 200 lbs
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerzey
    Yup, I'd say your the only guy I personally know 5'7 205 with bf% in the single digits

    I luv the avatar, just fine when i woke up half an hour ago

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    So is it available for sale? Where will it be sold?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  38. #38
    Join Date
    May 2004
    curious too

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Why don't you ask Hooker directly at
    He's not ther anymore, he had a falling out with the owner, unless they worked it out, I don't go to that board do I wouldn't know


  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    6,696 isn't this the book he's talking about? or is there another one as well?

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