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Thread: PCT and nolva usage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Question PCT and nolva usage

    Hey guys im going to run my first cycle and I am considering running clomid/nolva for pct. I think I will go for just the nolva because it is so versitale. So what is the proper dose for nolva? And can I run nolva throughout my cycle, I have herd that this is done by most others?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    read novice cycle 1

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    nolva 10mg/day throughout cycle and for pct

    week 1: 40mg/day
    week 2: 40mg/day
    week 3-4: 20mg/day
    week 5-?: 20mg/day if u feel tha need to run it past week 4

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by happysumo
    Hey guys im going to run my first cycle and I am considering running clomid/nolva for pct. I think I will go for just the nolva because it is so versitale. So what is the proper dose for nolva? And can I run nolva throughout my cycle, I have herd that this is done by most others?

    Depends on what is being ran in the cycle but yes for the most part Nolva will help with estrogen related sides.

    Now are you saying you are considering just running Nolva durring PCT?

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