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Thread: M1T VS Dbols

  1. #1

    M1T VS Dbols

    Hey everyone. First thing i'd like to say is, this site is much better than the "other" forum site i was doing research on, which is great. Full of a ton of great info for a newbie. Knowing this, I was hoping that you guys could give me some adivce...

    About 5 weeks ago, i did a 2 week cycle of M1T (10mg/d), stacked with 4-AD, along with 500 mg of milk thistle/ed. I gained 8lbs in two weeks. Overall i was pretty happy, with minimal side effects. 1 week into my PCT i was hospitalized for unrelated reasons, and was unable to take any more PCT's for 5 days. I lost everything i had gained. Ok so in 3-4 weeks i'm going to try another cylce, but here's the question..

    I was thinking another 2 week cylce of M1T, with MdMt instead of the 4-AD (this was recommended by a friend who had good results with it), as well as following up with a proper PCT, which would include nolva, and probably clomid.


    4-6 weeks of dbols (2) 10mg tabs per day, as well as possibly stacking it with winny tabs 4 weeks into the cycle. I've heard really good things about the blue 10mg dbol tabs, even rumors that taking them alone for a cylce proves excellent results. After reading and reading tons of posts, i don't know if i believe that.

    Either way, any suggestions are appreciated. I have 4 weeks to set all of this up, so i want to make sure i do it right.

    thanks for the help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    A winny or dbol only cycle is wothless, IMHO.

  3. #3
    i hear that a lot...

    what about stacking them together?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by silverstool
    i hear that a lot...

    what about stacking them together?
    That would be even worse. Just run a Test cycle at 500mg a week for 12 weeks and you'll be much happier. M1T is crap. There is so much better stuff to choose from. Why use crap?

  5. #5
    just straight test? I will definetly do a search on recent posts, to find out more info. thanks for the suggestion, i appreciate it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Quote Originally Posted by silverstool
    just straight test? I will definetly do a search on recent posts, to find out more info. thanks for the suggestion, i appreciate it.
    Cool. That's good to hear. Test is cheaper and can be ran longer then M1T, will give you better strength and weight gains, is less harsh on your liver, and will make you become Ron Jeremy in the bed. What more else could you ask for?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Test Cypionate or Enanthate 500 mg week 1-12
    2 shots a week Monday and Thursday 250mg each time

    PCT starts 2 weeks after last injection.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    Test Cypionate or Enanthate 500 mg week 1-12
    2 shots a week Monday and Thursday 250mg each time

    PCT starts 2 weeks after last injection.
    That is a cycle, what you are wanting to do is not a cycle. Using dbol as a supplement is not a bad idea, and a low dose long run of it will yield some gains... but again think of it as a supplement like creatine not a "steroid cycle"

  9. #9
    thanks for all the great posts. I don't want to sound like a baby, but i was trying to stay away from the needles.. 2x a week isn't too bad. i just didn't want to get into the every day winny type cycles. Thats why i was trying to find a decent oral cycle instead. I'll be sure to do some more research, and maybe grow some balls and grab a needle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Wait until you're doing ED injections down the road. Talk about a pain in the ass..

    2x a week is pretty gravy compared to that!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    That link shows the use of dianabol as a supplement, also you should look into var or tbol. If you are looking for mass you cant beat tbol as a oral only ...... great compound.

  13. #13
    .. i love this site.

    thanks for the link, it was awesome. Reading what the article said, you can take dbol as a supplement for an extended period of time, on its own, with considerable gains. This could also be a good option for me then... I have a lot of reading to do before i decide on what i'm going to take.. Thanks again for the post.

  14. #14
    i'll check into the tbol.. I'm definetly looking for some mass, but i'd like to keep it reasonably lean. 10-15 lbs of lean mass would be perfect. Thats why i was asking about the winny. A few guys i work with took it, with great results.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Smak
    Wait until you're doing ED injections down the road. Talk about a pain in the ass..

    2x a week is pretty gravy compared to that!
    Yeah I'm in my 6th week of tran A shooting 75/ed ...pain in the ass but worth it !!! I have done M1T to kick start a Deca/Test cycle in the past, and wont do it again, when I was on M1T my piss was dark orange and stank. Other people noticed it even after I left the washroom. With tren I am on now it isnt even as close as bad as M1t. You can just imange what M1T does to the Kidneys and Liver...

  16. #16
    i definetly don't need any liver problems. I took a rather low dosage of it (10mgs/d), so hopefully it didn't beat it up too bad. This time i'd want to take excessive supplements to protect my liver if i'm going to do orals again... just to be safe.

    Still reading up on the tbols. so far it looks pretty good. Lots of posts, wiht good info. Does anyone feel 6 weeks is too short of a cylce?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    man, ed pokes are the way to go as far as I'm concerned. Prop doesen't bloat me near as much as enth or cyp. Plus I kinda like the ed pokes.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by silverstool
    i definetly don't need any liver problems. I took a rather low dosage of it (10mgs/d), so hopefully it didn't beat it up too bad. This time i'd want to take excessive supplements to protect my liver if i'm going to do orals again... just to be safe.

    Still reading up on the tbols. so far it looks pretty good. Lots of posts, wiht good info. Does anyone feel 6 weeks is too short of a cylce?

    I was running 20mg of M1T a day ...... I think 6 weeks is more than enough time for an oral only cycle !!!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    If you want short term mass then do
    Oral Turanabol 60-80mg/day
    By week 3 you shuold have put on around 8-10 pounds and run it for about 6-8weeks, and the gains keep coming and you have a constant pump at 80mg/day

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Also no water and retainable after cycle.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The king of ED shots is tren/prop together. But gets spendy on needles!!!

  22. #22
    how much do you keep after the cycle? is it anything like dbol for that? From what i've read dbol is one of the worst for keeping the weight on after. If i can keep a good amount of weight, then tbols are what i'm looking for.
    Last edited by silverstool; 10-11-2005 at 03:19 AM.

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