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  1. #1
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    Newby first injection(have some questions)

    here is what im doing
    Test Enanthate 2cc(500mg) once a week(mondays) for 10-12 weeks
    d-bol 10mg pills twice a day for 35 days.

    i will follow up with hcg and clomid.
    im 23 years old and weigh 170 at 5' 7 pretty lean right now but okay heres how it went down yesterday

    i did the injection of 2cc's with a 23g 1.5" neddle into my shoulder. everything went awesome for a first time went in slow injected it slow. didnt feel a thing. i went pretty much all the way down on the needle to the shoulder there was a tiny little bit showing still. took it out after the test was in and was okay. ate some food and then it started getting really soar. i fell asleep for a few hours and woke up to it veryyyyy soar couldnt really move my arm without help of the other arm. hard a hard time falling back asleep because of the pain. went to work today just told em i slept on it wrong. but about 24 hours later now and its pretty much gone i can move my arm around semi okay now and want to go do legs tonight. i was gonna do legs yesterday but couldnt move do to this.

    is 2cc's for a first timer in the shoulder too much? was the 1.5" length of the needle to long for shoulder? i want to try it in my thigh or ass next time but am a little concered now i thought something might of gone wrong since i couldnt move my shoulder at all it hurt too bad.

  2. #2
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
    thejuiceisloose is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickceli
    here is what im doing
    Test Enanthate 2cc(500mg) once a week(mondays) for 10-12 weeks
    d-bol 10mg pills twice a day for 35 days

    i will follow up with hcg and clomid.
    im 23 years old and weigh 170 at 5' 7 pretty lean right now but okay heres how it went down yesterday

    i did the injection of 2cc's with a 23g 1.5" neddle into my shoulder. everything went awesome for a first time went in slow injected it slow. didnt feel a thing. i went pretty much all the way down on the needle to the shoulder there was a tiny little bit showing still. took it out after the test was in and was okay. ate some food and then it started getting really soar. i fell asleep for a few hours and woke up to it veryyyyy soar couldnt really move my arm without help of the other arm. hard a hard time falling back asleep because of the pain. went to work today just told em i slept on it wrong. but about 24 hours later now and its pretty much gone i can move my arm around semi okay now and want to go do legs tonight. i was gonna do legs yesterday but couldnt move do to this.

    is 2cc's for a first timer in the shoulder too much? was the 1.5" length of the needle to long for shoulder? i want to try it in my thigh or ass next time but am a little concered now i thought something might of gone wrong since i couldnt move my shoulder at all it hurt too bad.
    Bro you should rethink your cycle, especially if its your first one. That cycle is terrible. You should be injecting 500mg/wk but breaking it up 250mg on Mon and 250mg on thur, equalling a total of 500mg/wk. I dont like orals until you have 3+ cycles. But since you started you should run dbol @ 30mg/ED for the first 4 weeks. so your cycle should look like this:

    Test E 500mg/wk wks 1-12 (injecting 250mg on Mon and 250mg on Thur)
    Dbol wks 1-4 @ 30mg/ED split dose not all @ once.
    Nolva 10-20mg/ED
    and I hope you have PCT planned out, but I may be wrong.

    Now as for the shoulder pain, it's a "vrgin" site so it will hurt a little but tough it out. when I first started I started on my glutes then delts.

  3. #3
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    I would def say for a virgin site 2cc is a bit much and 1.5" is long for shoulders, IMO.

  4. #4
    JuRzEE_PiMpIn is offline New Member
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    Definetly too much test on a first cycle, there is no need to load up like this on a first cycle, it can almost be a waste, you would see huge gains just on 500 mg test...

  5. #5
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    what is the purpose of splitting up the injections? doesnt test last in the body for one week? atleast thats what it says on the site
    why is 2cc's too much at one time? ive heard people taking more then that without problems.
    im only taken 20 mg's a day of dbol split into two 10 and 10
    yea the needle that comes on the shooter is 1 " i swapped it out for the other one i didnt realize had been 1.5 " i thought it was big for a shoulder injection.
    is 1.5" okay for ass or leg?

  6. #6
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuRzEE_PiMpIn
    Definetly too much test on a first cycle, there is no need to load up like this on a first cycle, it can almost be a waste, you would see huge gains just on 500 mg test...
    isnt 2cc's 500 ml?
    1 cc making it 250 ml times two?

    i just filled it up to 2

    i think i might be getting ml confused with mg ehh. i just fill it to 2cc's
    Last edited by sickceli; 10-11-2005 at 04:31 PM.

  7. #7
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
    thejuiceisloose is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickceli
    what is the purpose of splitting up the injections? doesnt test last in the body for one week? atleast thats what it says on the site
    why is 2cc's too much at one time? ive heard people taking more then that without problems.
    im only taken 20 mg's a day of dbol split into two 10 and 10
    yea the needle that comes on the shooter is 1 " i swapped it out for the other one i didnt realize had been 1.5 " i thought it was big for a shoulder injection.
    is 1.5" okay for ass or leg?
    To keep blood levels more stable. 2cc's in the delts is quite a lot for a newbie. In the glutes it's a different story. So what you should be injecting is 1cc on Mon and 1cc on thur. I use 1" for delts and 1.5 for glutes

  8. #8
    shortie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickceli
    what is the purpose of splitting up the injections? doesnt test last in the body for one week? atleast thats what it says on the site
    why is 2cc's too much at one time? ive heard people taking more then that without problems.
    im only taken 20 mg's a day of dbol split into two 10 and 10
    yea the needle that comes on the shooter is 1 " i swapped it out for the other one i didnt realize had been 1.5 " i thought it was big for a shoulder injection.
    is 1.5" okay for ass or leg?
    The purpose to breaking up the doses is to provide the most stable blood serum levels poss to create the highest likelyhood of consistent growth. And 2cc at once isn't too much, if your muscle are large, glutes or thighs and if they are used to it. Your shoulders are probably not huge and not being used to being poked you can imagine they are irritated, they will get used to it, but use a smaller pin for shoulders 1" IMO.

  9. #9
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    okay i need to pick up some more needles then i only have enough for 12 weeks so 12 needles and 12 spare 1.5ers
    where do i get them from?

  10. #10
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickceli
    okay i need to pick up some more needles then i only have enough for 12 weeks so 12 needles and 12 spare 1.5ers
    where do i get them from?
    You can get them from our sponsor. Click on the banner above or click here:


  11. #11
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    wont have a bank account again till novermber. where can i get them at a store?

  12. #12
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    should i still split up my injections if im doing them in my ass or thigh? i dont think ill be doing 2cc's in my shoulder again.

  13. #13
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
    thejuiceisloose is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickceli
    wont have a bank account again till novermber. where can i get them at a store?
    That I wouldnt know, I order them onlin. you can use a cc.

  14. #14
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
    thejuiceisloose is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickceli
    should i still split up my injections if im doing them in my ass or thigh? i dont think ill be doing 2cc's in my shoulder again.
    You should ALWAYS split up your injections. For example:

    1cc on Mon in the right glute, 1cc on thur in the left glute. Then maybe 1cc the following mon in the right delt, etc. Catch the sequence?

  15. #15
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    aight ill be splitting them up 1 cc mon and 1 cc thurs
    should i be doing this after i workout? i did the one yesterday before and got to soar to even move to go workout which blows

  16. #16
    shortie's Avatar
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    Before or after a workout is really a preference issue, I like to shoot quads right after a good leg day. But that is just me some guys try to make it so they are not shooting anything they are going to workout soon.

  17. #17
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    i think ill be sticking to ass shots instead of arms because if i cant even move my arm because of this for a few days and miss workout days then its pointless
    i wouldnt mind doing leg shots after a leg workout cause i dont do legs more then once a week but i use my arms in a lot of excersises

  18. #18
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    That cycle plan needs alot of work, seems like everyone's replys so far are spot on. Take 250mg test e biweekly to get 2 injects of 1mL to total 500mg/wk. Up dbol mg, and probably reduce dbol time. Dont use HCG for PCT only during cycle if you need it.

  19. #19
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickceli
    i think ill be sticking to ass shots instead of arms because if i cant even move my arm because of this for a few days and miss workout days then its pointless
    i wouldnt mind doing leg shots after a leg workout cause i dont do legs more then once a week but i use my arms in a lot of excersises
    Go really slow during inject and massage muscle afterward. A 'virgin' muscle will hurt really bad. The glutes are the best place any way you look at it, just dont inject to frequently there.

  20. #20
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    i went really slow for the delt felt no pain going in and injected it slow but could of done it slower i think.
    i didnt think 2cc's a week for test e was bad i didnt know it would be beneficial to do two shots a week.
    whats wrong with 20 mg dbol a day(10 mg pills)?

  21. #21
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickceli
    i went really slow for the delt felt no pain going in and injected it slow but could of done it slower i think.
    i didnt think 2cc's a week for test e was bad i didnt know it would be beneficial to do two shots a week.
    whats wrong with 20 mg dbol a day(10 mg pills)?
    There's nothing really wrong per say, but I would run it @ a higher dose. Then again, like i stated earlier, I dont like orals until 3+ cycles.

  22. #22
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    well then 20mg a day of dbol a day would be okay for a beginner then ehh
    but yea ill keep everyone updated with before and after pics

  23. #23
    thejuiceisloose's Avatar
    thejuiceisloose is offline Senior Member
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    could be, however on my 3rd cycle I took dbol @ 30mg/ED for wks 1-4. It did increase my blood pressure though.

  24. #24
    sickceli is offline New Member
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    first week im up 6 pounds on it
    still dont feel anything out of the normal

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