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Thread: advice cutting cycles

  1. #1

    advice cutting cycles

    I am looking for a cutting cycle. I have reviewed various cycles and would like the collective wisdom of the board to comment.
    I am 44 and I am 5ft 7 and I weigh a pretty solid 247lbs. I would like to lose some adipose tissue ,my bodyfat levels are 18%, I am currently doing cardio every day and eating a low carb diet.

    There are two cycles that I would like advice on

    Cycle #1

    wk 1 -10 400mg equipose
    wk 1-10 200mg proptest eod
    wk 6-12 winny 50 mg ed
    wk 13-16 clomid

    2 wk cycles of clen and eca throughout 12wks

    0.05mg arimidex and 10mg of novladex per ed

    Cycle #2

    wk1-10 400mg eq
    wk 1-10 400mg deca
    wk 1-10 winny 50 mg ed

    I would welcome your expert comments as to what is the best cycle to do especially considering my age.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    How about

    Test 400mgs a week
    eq-600 mgs aweek
    Fina 75 mgs a day
    Winny 50mgs aday
    Liquidex 1 mg EOD

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    MU, I like your thinking but although fina is a great drug, I don't think it's ideal for a beginner. I'm doing the exact same cycle you outlined in #1, except I'm running my EQ @ 600mg/week and my test prop at 100mg/EOD. If you have that much test you may want to run it @ 100mg/day instead of 200mg/EOD. I'm also running T3 from weeks 5-10. Cycle #1 looks very good to me.

    And MU said arimidex (or liquidex) at a minimum of .5mg/day....any bloating will be minimal so use it strictly as an anti-E
    Last edited by Pete235; 05-07-2002 at 07:24 AM.

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