Are mexican steroids like the brovel brand worth buying, or should i spend more money on european brands?
Are mexican steroids like the brovel brand worth buying, or should i spend more money on european brands?
Anybody have any suggestions?
Ummmmm, I've tried tornell sustanon250, but had nothing else to compare it too. I wasn't to satisfied to be honest with you. I've had russian primo and winstrol before and that worked great. I'd go with european roids but that's just my preference. Also, the mex vet roids have been known to be slightly underdosed, and some customers have reported infections but that hasn't been for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if my sust was underdosed becuase I was taking 250mg every five days and gained like 12 lbs. in eight weeks. I was eateing a lot and doing everything right so I really think the drugs were underdosed.
Hope it helps.
when i was younger that was the only place i could get them from. for a stupid kid not knowing what the hell i was doing i made pretty good gains. ive used both the sust redijects and testasterona 200. there is only one pharm that i will get any human grade from.
I never cared for mex gear. and personally I would rather not cycle at all then put brovel into my body again. some people like it, I am not one of them.
living in texas makes it so tempting thoughOriginally Posted by symatech
Unsterile shit, getting it across, underdosed, counterfeit shit < reasons enuff to NEVER mess w/ "pedro shit". Make ur own > sterile, OVERdosed, complete privacy (unless someone is stupid enuff to be "watching U").
Homebrew IS the only way to go!
Yeah, glad to see others agree. Just avoid that mexican crap. It's not worth the risk and prices a close from mex gear to euro gear. Good Luck.
isnt QV mexican?
Ive got bad ass gains from Qv enathate
Pay more and get the european gear.JMHO.
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