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Thread: When to work out while on a cycle ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    West Coast, USA

    When to work out while on a cycle ?

    Hi all. Newbie question here.

    In general, does it matter what time of day you work out when you take an injection or swallow an oral ?

    I havent done AS yet and have been working out for a while. Just wondering if you are supposed to work out an hour after taking your d-bol for example.

    How does creatine and DHEA fit into a work out program while on AS ?
    Why take them? When to take them and how much ?

    Thanks so much..

  2. #2

  3. #3
    45min to an hour after you take an oral, maybee.

    As far as injections It doesn't matter.

  4. #4
    number one, fuck creatine and DHEA... my personal opinion, not fact, of course. and it depends what you mean by "oral"... pills like caffiene you want to take on an empty stomach, with either water or the better alternative grapefruit juice, because it has an enzyme in it that also helps transport the energy earbs... as far as injection, i dont think it matters, i myself have never noticed. i usually lift 20-45 minutes after injection to get the blood flowing, and because im still psyched about the injection itself. dbol are better to be taken with a snack, and are in your sysyem in about an hour give or take a little. i still have never noticed any dramatic changes taking dbol before a lift, and if anything i felt it was probly the mentality of taking the tabs... peace

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    yeah i agree, when i did deca and lifted straight after it was more of a mental thing rather than the drug taking effect.

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