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  1. #1
    kickin it up is offline New Member
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    whats wrong with prop and deca together??

    I have been told not to do propionate and deca as a stack, any reason why?
    also does dbol really bloat you up bad? i have anatest prop 100mg and denkall decanandrolen 200, i am doin a shotgun on saturday and wednesday of 200mg each. i am taking 20mg of novla because i want to keep water retention under control, is this a good stack? Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Well this is one of the most basic stacks. (Dbol , deca and test)

    But to answer your question: Yes you will put on a lot of water bloat even with nolva. When you take drugs the aramotize heavily, such as test and dbol then it's expected. But this cycle will give you good gains after pct, try to switch the deca with some equipoise at 400mg and take 50mg of propionate every 3 days. If you can't get the eq then the decas fine at 300mg every week.

    What the hell is a shotgun by the way??? An Injection??

  3. #3
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kickin it up
    I have been told not to do propionate and deca as a stack, any reason why?
    also does dbol really bloat you up bad? i have anatest prop 100mg and denkall decanandrolen 200, i am doin a shotgun on saturday and wednesday of 200mg each. i am taking 20mg of novla because i want to keep water retention under control, is this a good stack? Thanks in advance
    Prop needs to be shot ED or EOD. Deca is a long estered drug that can be shot once a week if need be. Personally, I'd use some test enth or cyp if you're planning on running deca. Yes dbol does bloat you up. How much is dependant on the person, IMO. 10mg of nolva would suffice. Bump it to 20mg during PCT. Here's how I'd lay out your cycle...

    weeks 1-12: 250mg test e or c e3d (mon morn./thurs. night)
    weeks 1-10: 200mg deca e3d (same days as test shots)
    PCT begins two weeks after your last enth shot, or 3 weeks after your last cyp shot.
    Dbol could be added the first 4 weeks to kickstart the cycle. No more then 30-50mg daily, depending on experience.

  4. #4
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by inspector_injector
    Well this is one of the most basic stacks. (Dbol , deca and test)

    switch the deca with some equipoise at 400mg and take 50mg of propionate every 3 days. If you can't get the eq then the decas fine at 300mg every week.
    this isin't the greates advise. Prop needs to be shot ed or eod. e3d would be more problematic and if he's shooting e3d he'd be better off with a long estered test. Once more thing, 50mg of prop e3d wouldn't do much to help keep his libido up and running, regardless of what compund he decided to use.

  5. #5
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
    Mesomorphyl is offline Smart Ass Member
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    My 2cc's are if you inject the prop ed, and adjust your deca dose for everyday rather than once per week, the deca can be used to cut the prop. I would leave out the deca in the last 2-3 weeks and finish with prop only.

  6. #6
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    My 2cc's are if you inject the prop ed, and adjust your deca dose for everyday rather than once per week, the deca can be used to cut the prop. I would leave out the deca in the last 2-3 weeks and finish with prop only.
    Very sound advice!!!!!!!!!!

    By any means do NOT take that Inspector whatevers advice!!!!!That's piss poor!


  7. #7
    Deezuhl is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jun 2004
    You could also go with NPP.. Fast acting deca .. and shoot it at the same frequency as the prop.. that might make a nice cycle if you can handle ed shots or eod atleast..

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