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Thread: Advice welcomed about my cycle

  1. #1

    Advice welcomed about my cycle

    I'm in my 8th week of my first cycle. I've been doing 1 cc Deca 300, 1 1/2 cc Test e 250. After tomorrow, I will be out of gear. I can get more, which I think I will definetly do, but I am thinking about running the Deca/Test combo to week 11, then running the Test e 250 on out to around week 14, how does that sound??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by rookie84
    I'm in my 8th week of my first cycle. I've been doing 1 cc Deca 300, 1 1/2 cc Test e 250. After tomorrow, I will be out of gear. I can get more, which I think I will definetly do, but I am thinking about running the Deca/Test combo to week 11, then running the Test e 250 on out to around week 14, how does that sound??
    Sounds good to me.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    musta done the research. sounds good. might even want to run deca to week 12. seems to be the norm. doubt 1 week will make much of a difference though

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