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Thread: Spot Injection

  1. #1
    SpringsBridge7 Guest

    Spot Injection

    Im trying to get my biceps bigger, ive changed my bicep workout and they are gettng a little bigger but i was wondering if i did some spot injections into them if it would help them growth and if the amount of growth is worth it? Im taking test e 500mg a week so i was thinking on my next injection day if i should do 250mg into each arm? Also do your biceps have good receptors or will i be wasting a shot?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    it wont do anything maybe swell them tempoarilly thats it

  3. #3
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Thats what I was thinking, but ive been shooting in my ass and its gotten big, not fat but def ALOT more muscular. Why do people do spot injections, just to swell the area for a few days to look big?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    You will not get any added growth benefit from injecting into your bi's. It's just used as an injection site if you're running low on them. Bi's are my least favorite injection site. The muscle is small and it gets very sore even with a small amount.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    Here is what I use.

    right delt
    left delt
    right tri
    left tri
    left glute
    right glute
    left quad
    right quad
    once in a blue moon i'll hit lats, but it's a tough injection to do, but not very painful.

  6. #6
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Dam spot injection king right here, lol. Anyway I was just thinking of doing it to increase size in my bi's. Ive been shooting in my glutes and my last cycle I shot in my delts and they both increased in size. Are their a good amount of receptors in your bi's or would this be a waste of a shot compared to shooting in my glutes.
    Last edited by SpringsBridge7; 10-16-2005 at 06:04 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    in your girls panties
    You shouldn't worry about your receptors. They'll be fine. Just keep rotating sites to avoid buildup of scar tissue.

  8. #8
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    Also not that im a pervert but i think i can see your girls nipple in that picture. Forgive me for looking, she's hot. Congrats on that and thanks for the info bro im gonna stick to the glutes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Listen, I have spot injected my bis a few times. I do not recommed it at all. They are a very small muscle and spot injections will do nothing to help them grow. I stick to the bigger groups of muscle. Lift heavier weight with lower reps and eat to get big

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