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Thread: Anadrol 50, Sust250= Hairloss ?

  1. #1

    Anadrol 50, Sust250 & Hairloss ?

    HEY GUYS, starting up soon w/ the above compounds, just getting all set w/ gear & layout. i did a dbol/test c. cycl. about 3 months ago & didn't realize that dbol effects the hairline pretty bad until i came off of it & saw posts on it & noticed frontal line receeding. i am now noticing that my hair isn't the same. i want to take some precaution when taking this next cycle (drol 100mgs ed wks 1-4 & sust .75cc's eod wks 1-12) cause i know A-BOMBS r wicked on the hair. so my question is:

    1. can i start taking some FINASTRIDE now about 3wks before my cycle & continue it through entire cycle & if i do at what mgs. should i run it. WHICH IS BETTER TO GET IT, I WANT TO SEE IF I CAN GET IT PRESCRIBED FROM A DERMATOLOGIST?

    2. what r the other applications that i see mentioned that i could use like, nizoral & rogaine. basically what else can i use for this therapy & at what duration of time.

    thanks & please help.

    Last edited by BOBBY D; 10-17-2005 at 03:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    I have no exp with hair loss products, but here is a bump for someone who does.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    I have no exp with hair loss products, but here is a bump for someone who does.

  4. #4
    anybody, i really appreciate it !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Finastride will help, since it greatly reduces DHT. However, it won't do much to keep anadrol from thinning hair. It really only works with test. You are running sustanon so it might be of great use.

  6. #6
    yes im in the same boat as you with the hair loss. dutasteride might be a better choice than finasteride. another thing you might wanna do is instead of anadrol go for something like turinabol or anavar.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN
    yes im in the same boat as you with the hair loss. dutasteride might be a better choice than finasteride. another thing you might wanna do is instead of anadrol go for something like turinabol or anavar.
    i do have a good amount of dbol left, but i wanted to give anadrol a shot. so there is nothing to take to prevent hair thinning w/ anadrol. if i take DUTASTRIDE, how can i get it, thru doctor? internet? also, when i stop the drol, will my hair stop thinning & come back to life. what else would u guys recomend i do.


  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    i do have a good amount of dbol left, but i wanted to give anadrol a shot. so there is nothing to take to prevent hair thinning w/ anadrol. if i take DUTASTRIDE, how can i get it, thru doctor? internet? also, when i stop the drol, will my hair stop thinning & come back to life. what else would u guys recomend i do.

    Nope. Anadrol is a great compound but the hairloss cant be prevented. A better way to kickstart your cycle would be to just use prop at the beginning of it and get ahold of some finasteride/dutastride, the latter being more effective. As far as aquiring dutastride, arr at the top of the screen caries it now as a replacement for the finasteride they used to have.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    Nope. Anadrol is a great compound but the hairloss cant be prevented. A better way to kickstart your cycle would be to just use prop at the beginning of it and get ahold of some finasteride/dutastride, the latter being more effective. As far as aquiring dutastride, arr at the top of the screen caries it now as a replacement for the finasteride they used to have.
    so anadrol will def. destroy my hair for good. i thought that finastride or dutastride would help block the DHT hormone, since anadrol raises high dht.

    1. what r some of the other creams, shampoo's or lotions that i saw mentioned in other threads (NIZORAL, MINOXIDIL, ETC..) that u apply to ur head during the cycle.

    2. why does finastride or dutastride work in blocking DHT W/dbol, but not anadrol.
    Last edited by BOBBY D; 10-18-2005 at 09:11 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    so anadrol will def. destroy my hair for good. i thought that finastride or dutastride would help block the DHT hormone, since anadrol raises high dht.

    1. what r some of the other creams, shampoo's or lotions that i saw mentioned in other threads that u apply to ur head during the cycle.

    2. why does finastride or dutastride work in blocking DHT W/dbol, but not anadrol.
    You could make an attempt at accutaine. It could possibly help but doubtful very much.

    Drol is a derivative of dht and doesnt convert to dht through a 5-a reductase enzyme which is the conversion of test to dht.

  12. #12
    thanks ejuicer, but IM still confused. guys alot of guys here used anadrol, what did u guys do for hair treatment on a-bombs. need some more positive direction, please. thanks guys.
    Last edited by BOBBY D; 10-18-2005 at 10:50 AM.

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