HEY GUYS, starting up soon w/ the above compounds, just getting all set w/ gear & layout. i did a dbol/test c. cycl. about 3 months ago & didn't realize that dbol effects the hairline pretty bad until i came off of it & saw posts on it & noticed frontal line receeding. i am now noticing that my hair isn't the same. i want to take some precaution when taking this next cycle (drol 100mgs ed wks 1-4 & sust .75cc's eod wks 1-12) cause i know A-BOMBS r wicked on the hair. so my question is:
1. can i start taking some FINASTRIDE now about 3wks before my cycle & continue it through entire cycle & if i do at what mgs. should i run it. WHICH IS BETTER TO GET IT, I WANT TO SEE IF I CAN GET IT PRESCRIBED FROM A DERMATOLOGIST?
2. what r the other applications that i see mentioned that i could use like, nizoral & rogaine. basically what else can i use for this therapy & at what duration of time.
thanks & please help.