I was wondering if anyone has any advice on a good cycle to put on mass fast. I was considering DECA-DURABOLIN, DURABOLIN and NOLVADEX?? I haven't started a cycle before so i don't wanna dive into anything yet.
I was wondering if anyone has any advice on a good cycle to put on mass fast. I was considering DECA-DURABOLIN, DURABOLIN and NOLVADEX?? I haven't started a cycle before so i don't wanna dive into anything yet.
According to your profile, you are 19yrs old. I'd wait a few years before I got involved with steroids if I was your age. You are at a great age to take advantage of what your body naturally produces right now. Also, you would take a chance on closing your growth plates prematurely if you start taking steroids in your teens.Originally Posted by Da HawaiiaN
Just my Opinion based on what I have learned here in the last year. Might want to do some searches and find out for yourself.
stick around for a bit and soak up some knoledge bro before jumping in to aas
why run DECA-DURABOLIN and DURABOLIN? Pick one or the other. And run it with some test. If its your first cycle most will tell you to only use test.
uh. Stay around and read some man..get a good year of knowledge under your belt..years of natural training..years of "near" perfect diet.
LOL. He wants to take Deca-Durabolin, Durabolin and Bolin with 4 weeks of Dura.Originally Posted by lil swoll
LMAO..i cant retire cuz u crack me up. That, and Im addicted to this site hardcore. I fvckin sat on here all day and missed gnc by 8 minutes now i have no fvckin protein for tonights workoutOriginally Posted by Smak
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