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Thread: Steroid names in Brazil

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Steroid names in Brazil

    I have some questions. The first is is anyone living in brazil that nows the different names cause they are different here. One example- durateston is really sustanon 250 and other names like deca grega I think is just deca durabolin in 2 ml bottles. the quality here is great (right from the pharmacy) I have yet to use any but I know this fact. Anyway if Ilist some names d oyou think you could tell me what they were so I could research them?


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Brazil
    I have some questions. The first is is anyone living in brazil that nows the different names cause they are different here. One example- durateston is really sustanon 250 and other names like deca grega I think is just deca durabolin in 2 ml bottles. the quality here is great (right from the pharmacy) I have yet to use any but I know this fact. Anyway if Ilist some names d oyou think you could tell me what they were so I could research them?

    Hello, brother. I live in Brazil too.
    Here we have some legit roids, they are:
    Sustanon-Durateston 250mg
    Deca-Deca durabolin 50mg
    Cypionate-Deposteron 200mg

    This deca grega is fake stuff,dont get it.Its not sold in pharmacy.

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