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Thread: testicular cyst

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    testicular cyst

    ok the ecography says i've got a cyst on my left nut but the doctoir said it was an infection probably by urine, i'm going to the doctor today foy my appointment, anyone knows something about this? had anyone had a testicular cyst? can i cycle again?

    any opinions would be greatly apreccitaed,

    thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    About a year after I had a vasectomy, I found a lump on my left nut. Of course, I freaked and thought I had cancer. The urinologist who did the vasectomy examined it and gave me a quick diagnosis. He said it was a tube cyst. He said nothing to worry about. It eventually went away on its own. Although, this may not be what you have at all. But in my case, no problem.

    Urine does not flow through your testicles. So I dont know why your doc would tell you the cyst came from urine? Are you going to a urinologist? Most family docs don't know shit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I had a cyst. Essentially it was due to pressure build up in the nuts. This caused one of the tubes that carries sperm to bulge out and eventually form a cyst. If that is all you have its no big deal. Mine had nothing to do with AAS usage since I had never taken any prior to its appearence.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    big denver, CO
    hey bro. im 24 now back when i was 14 i had a cyst on my left testicle. it was on the surface of it. they were 99% sure it was cancer. so therefore i had surgery and once they got in there they saw that it was a cyst. anyway ive just started my first cycle ever of test e at 500mg/week. i havent checked with my doctor to see if it is a problem but being that it was on the outside surface of my testicle and that it was benign i cant seeing it be that bad. if i was going to run a cycle with a lot of compounds that i was sure was going to shrink my nuts drastically then i think that could be a problem so i would run hcg throughout the cycle so that wouldnt happen.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    thankx for the replies guys i just came back from the doc, actually he is an oncologist i dont know why he told that froma the urine but he is one of the best in he's area...the results are GOOD!! im happy it was on the outside of the left testicle and it was from pressure probably and i have to use suspension underwear i dont know how to call it but i need to use it during training...and thats it i already was freakin out but i had nothing thanks again for your replies in a couple of weeks am starting a sust eq winny cycle and i hope it wont interfer with the fu(kin cyst

  6. #6
    SpringsBridge7 Guest
    All this pressure in the nuts talk you guys need to get laid more, release some of that pressure.LOL j/k glad to here your ok though man that can be some scary shit.

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