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Thread: Newbie In Need Of Advice

  1. #1

    Question Newbie In Need Of Advice

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm in need of a little advice. Ive been training for some time now with little results to show for all the long hard hours sweating it out in the gym. Lately ive been thinking about the steroid option but am totally confused about where to start as there are so many to choose from. As a newbie I'm in need of advice about where to start and with which one. If someone could point me in the right direction and offer some advice this would be very much appreciated.

    Many Thanks,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    OK, lets start with a few questions.

    What are your stats, age, weight, training experience, goals?

    Do you know how to eat to grow?

    If you have "been training for some time now with little results to show for all the long hard hours sweating it out in the gym" I suspect your diet is in need of some revisions.

    Please understand one thing about AAS:

    Steroids don't make you grow. Steroids help you recover from intense workouts. If your diet, training and rest are all in order, then steroids will be able to "help you recover."


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