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Thread: Border Crossing

  1. #1

    Border Crossing

    I live in canada and am taking a weekend trip down to washington state? Will taking nolvadex across be a problem? is it even illegal? Also I am going down with 4 guys for a paintball tournament so the car will be full of guns and accesories which means we have a good chance of getting searched.

  2. #2
    in the us nolvadex is only legal for research purposes, considering that how do u think you'll explain to the cops that u plan on doing research on novladex while ur in the states with all the markers you'll have aboard? but if the nolvadex is liquid oral i would just put it into a small shampoo bottle, u'll have no problems, and keep the syringe in ur tool box to say u use it to get into the nooks-n-cranny's of ur marker. oral tabs u could always empty a small ibuprofen bottle and put them into that (only if it doesn't say nolva on the tabs)

    side question. so what lvl is the tourny? im guessin rookie considering its a 5 man. i played pball for 6 years. 2 of which were am

    either way gl bro

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